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Saturday, December 26, 2009

Liberals Final Solution: Make America Ignorant

A friend once told me, “You watch too much Fox News!”

I thought it was a very sad comment to make because what it represented.

“I watch Fox because they honestly report what’s going on in the world, AND they’re the only news organization with journalistic integrity, unlike the others in the mainstream media who have sold out theirs.”

But, my friend just shrugged his shoulders and give me a very strong impression that he thought that I was the foolish one.

My friend isn’t stupid.

In fact, he’s a very nice man that would give you the shirt off his back if you needed it. However, when it comes to a world view, he’s totally accepted the manipulative templates that Liberals put out to control public thought.

• Rich people are evil and greedy
• Abortion is not killing the unborn, but rather Women’s Reproductive Rights
• If you’re against Gay Marriage, you’re a Homophobe or believe that homosexuals should be second-class citizens
• Oil is dirty energy
• Carbon Dioxide is a pollutant
• Republicans are racists
• If you’re critical of President Obama, it’s because he’s Black

There are dozens if not maybe hundreds of these simple templates that Liberal/Democrats put out through their willing sycophants in the media and more importantly through the public school system.

These templates are intended for the consumption of people who do not think deeply about the affairs of state because they’re too busy living out their day to day lives. The Democrats know this and this is intentionally done to keep people in a mindcontrol that benefits the Liberal agenda.

Do you ever hear Liberals complain about lower graduation rates?

Of course not!

But, you do hear them whine that teachers need to make more money without any merit standards attached. And you also hear them gripe about Charter schools despite the fact that they outperform public schools time after time.

Why are they against Charter schools?

Democrats say that public money should not be diverted to Charter schools in detriment to the public schools system without fixing the problems that ails public education.

Liar, liar, pants on fire!

The truth is that Teachers Unions contribute heavy into the coffers of the Democrat Party and as such they want to keep the status quo of inferior education.

However, more insidiously than that, Democrats don’t want better education for America’s school kids because that would threaten their necessity to keep the people just ignorant enough to swallow their false templates and maintain power over government and the people’s minds.

Thank God that home-schooling, private, and parochial education still provide America’s children with a needed alternative to the Liberals final solution to keep the people in the dark.

Nonetheless, the light still has to shine for those that are still in darkness. America's future is at stake and the better educated we are, the better to see the wolf.

From The Last Tradition

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