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Sunday, December 20, 2009

Rachel Maddow Sinks to a New Low: Ridiculing Christians at Prayer

You know I think it’s disgusting that Rachel Maddow (The Karate Kid) used footage of Christians engaged in prayer to base her political commentary.

They (Liberals) really have no limit to the depths that they are willing to sink to inform the mindless dolts who follow them in the first place.

However, on further reflection, I cannot totally put blame on Leftist like Maddow, or Chris Matthews or even Keith Olberman for they do not know what they do.

Several years ago, Ann Coulter wrote a terrific book entitled, Godless, in which the Left went ballistic over a single chapter dealing with the so-called 911 widows.

However, the overall premises of the book, namely that Liberals are ungodly folks who pay only lip service to a belief in one true God. And when they do, its really for appearance sake so they can continue living lives of moral relativism which actually means by no morality except for standards they make up as they go along.

You know, things like climate change or closing Gitmo.

They didn’t give a hoot that Coulter was labeling them as “Godless” because she had them pegged for what they truly are.

And they didn’t care enough or knew enough to be offended. Ironically, this from a people that never miss an opportunity to be offended by anything.

So, on a certain level, I can’t hold the ignorant responsible for something that they’re totally ignorant about, such as the power of prayer.

However, I will say that Maddow has surpassed even Harry Reid’s slavery comments by offering a critique of prayers to score cheap and loathsome political points.

Nonetheless, ridicule is the only method Maddow employs on a regular basis which would explain her miniscule ratings.

But, if by some strange miracle, Rachel Maddow comes across this blog, let me say this.

Prayer is how we Christians have a conversation with God. We believe in a Creator God with all our hearts. We are not ashamed of this despite that amount of times you may show footage on MSNBC of Christians praying in Jesus name. In fact, we’ll even pray for you, Rachel Maddow, because no one is beyond Christ's redemptive power—not even godless Liberals.

From The Last Tradition

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