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Saturday, December 19, 2009

Tea Party Twinkies...

geez Louise, they're everywhere and they're high on sugar!!!
Sarah Palin, twinkie Republican presidential hopeful for 2012, cut her vacation in Hawaii short over her visor issues! Apparently she had a visor with John McCain's name on it and she blocked it out with a Sharpie..the press caught on to this and Sarah had to explain herself..instead of buying a new visor, she marked out the old one to make herself less noticeable (yeah right!)...she didn't want the extra attention to bother fellow vacationers...speculation is she marked out John McCain's name to send a message to him that she didn't like the way she was treated on the presidential campaign tour..she wasn't pampered enough and apparently hated McCain's wife, who was treated like a queen!
NEW YORK — Bicyclists planning a protest ride through New York City are calling it their "Freedom Ride" – free of clothing, that is. The removal of clothing during Saturday's ride is meant as a protest over the removal of a bike lane in the Williamsburg section of Brooklyn.
Bicycling advocates say the city erased the bike lane from the Orthodox Jewish neighborhood because some conservative residents were upset about seeing women in skimpy clothing ride by every day.
Michele Malkin's jihadist fantasy....
I don't know why people run her columns..but she has spawned some copycat writers like Gina Perry who think America should be run by a bunch of morons, then they wouldn't feel so insignificant. But Michele is like one of those shakey little neurotic pocket dogs blowing everything liberal out of proportion and ignoring the rightwing misdeeds....Abramoff, Madoff, Enron, Aig, Bush and all the conservatives she loves and lies for are saints to her little mind... and her rabid ramblings about Chicago and jihadists and trials is typical of what passes for political insight these days...
Gina's "kill the president" fantasy
and the uproar over Gina Perry's "kill the president" column rages on...Gina falsely claimed that a group called Velvet Revolution had put a bounty on the head of the Chamber of Commerce..the reason she believed that is because she lifted the phrase from a conservative website and didn't bother to check the facts..she ran with it and suggested a bounty be put on Obama's head for all his evil ways!
it seems the conservative club at UCSB is raising money to get Karl Rove to speak to them! they needed $25000 and they have $18000 Can you imagine that? Karl Rove!! What could they possibly learn from this pudgy little liar? they call him the architect of two successful Bush terms, but we know about deluded..these young republicans are like baby lambs being led to slaughter..if you really want to learn something, go live on the streets for a few months, meet the mystery tramp and stare into the vacuum of his eyes....

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