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Saturday, January 2, 2010

Avatar: America Bashing at its Hollywood Finest

This is not meant to be a movie review because that’s not what TLT is all about.

Although I consider myself somewhat of a movie buff as demonstrated by the movie clips I’ve post on my blog, I can’t help but give an opinion of what I just saw this afternoon.

It’s usually my practice to read a movie review of flicks I’m interested in seeing. However, it’s been especially busy this week at week and I didn’t have the time to follow up on the latest James Cameron movie since Titanic.

Big mistake!

From what I’d seen of coming attractions of Avatar, I foolishly thought this was Cameron’s version of Lord of the Rings. You know, fantasy stuff with strange creatures in a forest setting with humanoid beings involved in some sort of power struggle with evil critters that want to destroy them.

None of these things were close to the mark except for the abundance of trees, strange looking creatures with blue skin, and the evil ones that wanted to do harm happened to work for a cooperation that very much resembles an American corporation.

Then the plot lines became pretty blatant.

These humanoid creatures, called the Na’vi clan, lived on a planet called Pandora that was 6 light years away from earth. These Na’vi or Avatars lived peacefully on the planet and had a very tight spiritual bond with all the plants and animal life sharing the same energy-force that flows from plant to plant, and animal to animal, and back through the Na’vi in one circular the force is with you, Luke!

Sorry, different movie. But, you ge the idea.

For Conservatives like myself, the writing was on the wall and James Cameron doesn’t spare an opportunity of throwing into the subtext of the evil American cooperation wanting to extract a voluble mineral (not oil this time) that happens to be under the Na’vi land. And they didn’t care if they had to destroy the indigenous creatures to get it.

Yes, Americans were the bad guys!

Halfway through the movie, I kept checking my watch to see how much more of this pro-environmentalism, pro-socialism/communism, anti-cooperation and definitely anti-Americanism bullcrap I could take.

Of course I’m sure James Cameron would deny any such inferences existed in his movie and that anyone who reads these things into his film must have their own personal hang-ups.

It’s only a movie meant for entertainment purposes.

Yeah, that’s what they always say.

See Big Hollywood

From The Last Tradition

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