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Monday, January 4, 2010

Obama’s Top Counter-Terror Adviser: “There is no smoking gun.” Translation: Be afraid, be very afraid!

And the incompetence just keeps on coming from the Obama administration!

Yesterday President Barack Obama, who is still vacationing in Hawaii to feed his golf addiction, trotted out Deputy National Security Advisor John Brennan to the Sunday news shows, to attempt to calm the public’s angst over the recent failed terrorist attack on Christmas day by the fruit-of-loom bomber.

It didn’t work.

Incredibly, Brennan said this on Fox News Sunday:

“There is no smoking gun. There was no single piece of intelligence that said this guy is going to get on a plane.”

This guy makes Janet Napolitano look like Sherlock Holmes.

Now, I’m not an intelligence expert, but I used to be an investigator for the City of New York. And if I found out a man’s (Umar Farouik Abdulmutallab) own father walked into a U.S. Embassy in Lagos to report his own son had gone Jihadist, that’s pretty damn smokey.

And if I found out that the same guy spent time in Yemen, my eyes may begin to water.

Then if I also found out that the same guy had been banned from Britain, I may actually started coughing.

Why was the underwear bomber banned from Britain?

Brennan explained, “It was because of immigrations concern that was not related to terrorism at all.”

It turned out that Mr. Hot Pants lied on a visa application by putting down a fictitious school he wanted to attend in England.

I see.

So a Muslim who spent time in Yemen, lied on official government documents where you must sign an affirmation that you’re telling the truth, and Obama’s national security deputy still doesn’t see any 2020 hindsight smoke?

Why did he go on TV at all?

I hear the president is trying to coax Inspector Clouseau out of retirement. He’ll fit right in.

From The Last Tradition

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