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Friday, April 23, 2010

Bush is a jerk off!!

the nerve!!!
so while the economy was crashing, pensions were being robbed, working class folks were being lied to, Wall Street was cooking the books, the SEC under Bush was jerking-off!! Speaking of jerk-offs, the "Republican" Tea-baggers running against Lois Capps will be in Carp, amassed in the old hardware store parking lot for a meet and greet!
More Bush Residue at the SEC: staffers watched porn
by Jim Washburn

Apparently while the unchecked gaming of our financial system was crashing, high-paid staffers at the SEC were spending more time watching porn on government computers than they were spending guarding the system. Con artist Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Bronze Age) cited this as a persuasive reason not to back the financial reform bill, saying, "This stunning report should make everyone question the wisdom of moving forward with plans to give regulators like the SEC more widespread authority."
Issa failed to note that the gaming and crashing went on during the years of Bush administration, which gutted stacks of ongoing SEC investigations and, especially under the direction of former Orange County Congressman Christopher Cox, so took its eye off the ball it's no wonder people were watching porn all day. So these guys ruin government, then use the ruins as an argument not to trust government. Ya gotta love em.
no you don't!!!

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