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Saturday, April 24, 2010

Joe, John, Al and Tipper....

from Rocky Mountain High to Rocky Mountain Way...from Park Lane in Montecito to Carmel and Monterey..a mighty freight train is a -comin'
it's bad enough that I got Arnold living in close proximity, now I gotta deal with Al and Tipper Gore! I heard the funny duo bought some digs in Montecito around Park Lane..farther away than Arnold at Rancho Monte Alegre, but still too close...
the Gore story is still just a rumor but Park Lane is the place to be rich and's a very lovely street...guitar wiz Joe Walsh used to live up there in a modest Spanish home...I know cuz I used to deliver his goddam News-Press to him back when the funds weren't too cool...what a job, getting up at 3:00 am, filling the VW beetle up with newpapers and throwing them out the window to Montecitans....then the next day I'd get complaints because I missed most of the houses! Fuck that.... I quit to make my fortune I was dumb back then!
Now I'm older and wiser and don't drive VWs anymore! But Al and Tipper? I don't know about these two..kinda white trash but with a bit more education...but the thing that pissed me off most was when they tried to censor musicians in the 80s..namely rap and metal. I got no use for either genres but that's no reason to trample on freedom of speech rights...Tipper and four other Washington wives started the Parents Music Resource Center after Tipper saw a Prince video simulating sex,,she says she was shocked and couldn't handle you know why she couldn't handle it? because Al sucks in bed... if I were banging Tipper, she'd be savvy as a Georgia peach by now, you dig?
check it out: the PMRC "Filthy Fifteen" list
so anyway, there were some Congressional hearings that brought together Dee Snider from Twisted Sister, Frank Zappa and folkie great John Denver who all agreed that censorship is bad news: musician John Denver stated he was "strongly opposed to censorship of any kind in our society or anywhere else in the world", and that in his experience censors often misinterpret music, as was the case with his song "Rocky Mountain High". In addition, Denver expressed his belief that censorship is counterproductive: "That which is denied becomes that which is most desired, and that which is hidden becomes that which is most interesting. Consequently, a great deal of time and energy is spent trying to get at what is being kept from you." Incidentally, when Denver came up to give his speech, many on the PMRC board expected him to side with them, thinking he would be offended by the lyrics as well.
so Tipper got to have some warning labels put on albums but most of her other lame attempts to censor were thrown out of court.....
and of course, we got Al's global warming political nonsense...It's April in Carp and I'm freezing my ass off!! Explain that Al!!! and Clinton and Gore are responsible for the non- native species hysteria whereby billions are spent killing plants and animals that are deemed "undesirable"...
On February 3, 1999, President Clinton signed an Executive Order creating a federal, multi-agency Invasive Species Council. The Council will address the growing environmental and economic threat of invasive species, plants and animals that are not native to ecosystems of the United States.
geez, what's next I wonder? and Tipper, honey, have you ever been fucked by a freight train?? if you try to censor me, you'll soon know what it's like...

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