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Thursday, April 22, 2010

Sen Bill Perkins: Lap Dog for the Unions Says Charter Schools Lack Transparency: Mission to Destroy Charter Schools Part lll

When will the African American community ever wake up to how the Democrat Party holds them down?

Here in New York City, a battle is waging over Charter Schools that is a sad example of how Black folks who put their faith and votes in the Democrat Party, are being hurt by one of their own politicians who doesn’t want their kids to get a better education.

Democrat State Senator Bill Perkins is out to destroy Charter Schools because he cares more about getting Union contributions to stay in office, even if it means Black children in his district and across the city are hopelessly locked in failing inner-city schools

I really don’t understand how Mr. Perkins can sleep at night.

Look at this report from the New York Post and see how easily Sen Perkins manipulates people in his own community using the typical buzz words liberals love to use.

From The New York Post:

Harlem state Democrat Sen. Bill Perkins slammed charter schools this morning before the start of a day-long legislative hearing, saying they're as corrupt as Wall Street and should have strict oversight.

"As in the financial industry, there is a lack of transparency in the charter [school] industry," he said before a packed crowd gathered in a lower Manhattan hearing room.

Perkins called the schools a "money-making scheme" similar to Enron and Goldman Sachs, saying Wall Street's biggest backers "are involved in the charter industry."

Notice the buzz words?

[money making scheme, Wall Street, Enron and Goldman Sachs]

The Democrats favorite tactic is to demonize and motivate the voter.

Wall Streetand Goldman Sachs are greedy bastards making all that money and the people that run Charter Schools are like them.

It’s not a true debate on the merits because Democrats can never win debates that way.

Charter schools work and children who attend them get a better education and perform much better than kids in traditional failing schools.

So it’s never about substance but the hustle to scare people into believing that Sen Perkins and those like him knows what’s best for Black kids.

Here another sad example:

[Even though charters in his Harlem district have greatly outperformed students in nearby traditional schools, Perkins has proposed legislation that would cripple the charter-school movement.

Charter advocates describe him as the most anti-charter lawmaker in the state Legislature.

Along with other powerful state lawmakers, Perkins has benefited from the teachers union's largesse.

Critics say the union's influence has blocked the effort to lift the legislative cap on the number of charters, which are privately run and publicly funded.

Since running for Senate in 2006, the political arm of the New York State United Teachers -- the UFT's statewide affiliate -- has pumped $10,750 into Perkins' campaign coffers.

After Perkins' explosive diatribe, Sen. Craig Johnson (D-Nassau County), a supporter of charter schools, requested to give an opening statement.

But Perkins, who chairs the committee holding the hearing, refused.

"You're entitled to all points of view," said Johnson, who was jeered by the pro-union crowd who packed the audience.

The fireworks didn't end there.

After United Federation of Teachers President Michael Mulgrew testified, Johnson grilled him about other problems such as teacher tenure, teachers not getting paid for not working and low graduation rates.

Johnson mentioned the union's clout in Albany and about Perkins being in the union's pocket -- an allegation highlighted by The Post earlier this week.

In his first question to Mulgrew, Perkins joked about being a union lap dog.

“I’m going to have to ask you to please take a moment to reach into your pockets and to see if I’m in your pocket, because it’s been reported time and time again that Senator Perkins is in your pocket,” said Perkins, as the crowd responded with laughter.]

Why would the people laugh at Perkins sarcasm?

If you want to see Sen Bill Perkins,a house nigger for intersts the Teacher's Unio watch this video.

African Americans in New York City who support Perkins are bunch of idiot sheep who deserve what they get from the Democrat party-screwed!

The Last Tradition

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