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Saturday, June 5, 2010

Obama Knew the Spill Was Hopeless in April According to Obama Butt Boy Richard Wolfe

Obama’s friends, suck ups, and ass kissers, except for James Carville for a time, are in mega damage control mode trying to explain why the Messiah who said the ocean levels would falll and the planet begin to heal if he got elected president can’t fix an oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico.

I try to be as accurate as I can on this blog, but here is CYA (Cover Your Ass) reporting from Richard Wolfe who’s a frequent contributor on Count Down with Keith Olberman on MSNBC, a show nobody watches except me when I want a quick laugh.

I apologize in advance to burden you with this!

From Richard Wolfe at Daily Beast:

Critics have bashed President Obama for being slow to seize the political initiative in combating the BP oil spill in the Gulf Coast, now widely believed to be the worst environmental disaster in U.S. history.

The White House has battled back, releasing a timeline of events showing that Obama was briefed—and deploying the Coast Guard—within 24 hours of the Deepwater Horizon blowout.

[This is a load of hooey. With any explosion of an oil rig in the Gulf, the Coast Guard would respond automatically. It’s part of their mission and would not have to be directed by the White House. This is another lame attempt to explain that Obama was engaged FROM DAY 1! My left foot!]

What has not been previously disclosed: The president was not only briefed on the real-time events of the spill, but also on just how bad it would be—and how hard it would be to plug the hole.

Allen had called Carville after his first TV outburst to talk about the administration’s response, but Carville failed to return the call. When Allen asked why, Carville said he had been busy, the aide says.
Carol Browner, director of the White House Office of Energy and Climate Change Policy, told Obama at one of the earliest briefings in late April that the blowout would likely lead to an unprecedented environmental disaster, senior White House aides told The Daily Beast.

Browner warned that capping a well at such depths had never been done before, and that they ought to expect an oil spill that would continue until a relief well was drilled in August, the aide said.

That early briefing on the scope of the spill—and enormous technical challenges involved in fixing it—might help explain the sense of fatalism that has infused Obama's team from the start.

[Fatalism? So according to Wolfe Obama practically retreats to a fetal position paralyzed with the news of the spill. This report, if true, makes the president look even worse by showing a man who is in over his head with REAL WORLD events that can befall any president.]

Little that has happened since has changed their mind-set. Now six weeks later, the president’s top advisers expect the oil spill—and the negative stories—to continue through August.

The fact that Team Obama was warned of the extent of the disaster so early on suggests that White House officials were aware of the environmental challenge long before they decided to demonstrate concern via presidential visits to the Gulf.

When asked about the prospects for the new cap fitted over the leaking well earlier this week, Press Secretary Robert Gibbs voiced little optimism. “I’m long out of the prediction business on this,” he told reporters on Air Force One on Friday.

“Everyone is hopeful that this works.” His comments were echoed by Coast Guard Admiral Thad Allen, the national incident commander for the BP spill—who warned reporters against “over-optimism.”

Given the lack of technical capabilities on the sea floor, there’s not much the White House can do to plug the hole. And there are limited options for effectively preventing the oil from reaching large stretches of coastline.

Instead, Obama’s team is focusing on the options at their immediate disposal—methods of news management and presidential communication.

[So when Obama is in trouble, fall back to what he does best, TALK, TALK, and TALK some more to convince people he is competent.]

Obama’s aides have grown increasingly frustrated with the public criticism that the president has failed to express sufficient anger. As Gibbs put it at a recent briefing, “If jumping up and down and screaming were to fix a hole in the ocean, we’d have done that five or six weeks ago. We’d have done that the first night.”
Full story

Sorry for putting you through this tripe.

Here’s the deal that Obama and Progressives/Liberals still don’t understand.

Obama presented himself to the American people as something that he wasn’t-competent to be president of the United States. They thought that an articulate man with a Harvard degree that can wordsmith his way on multiple issues can be an effected president.

But, running for president and being a president is about as different as a donkey is to a zebra.

Running for president is a beauty contest whereby if you’re attractive, speak without saying “ya know wha’ I’m say’en” every four or five words, don’t have a southern accent, and can hit the mark and pose without breaking a sweat every time under the hot lights, gets you the prize.

Obama is the complete package and it worked to get him the White House.

Look how calm and professorial he appears to be!

Nevertheless, Obama has been exposed since day 1 in the White House for being only what he is, a poser.

90% of being a president takes place when the cameras are off and the teleprompter is tucked away in a closet. At those times you need practical experience to make tough decisions.

What has Obama ever managed in his life?

Was he ever a governor of a state or a city?

Was he ever a CEO of a fortune 500 company?

The answer to both questions are obviously, no.

He’s just a poser and that’s the reason why his poll numbers have been steadily dropping BEFORE Deep Water Horizon sank.

If this oil leak never happened, his numbers would still be in freefall as a result of his profligate spending that most American disagree with, ObamaCare which most Americans didn’t want, Porkulous that’s basically a payoff ot his union buddies, Cap and Trade that would increases everyone’s utiliy bills, and all the domestic terrorists attacks we’ve suffered that didn’t happen under George W. Bush.

If anything this oil leak could have been a blessing in disguise for Obama if he had been pro-active since day one working with Gov Bobby Jindal and giving him the permits he wanted to build 6 sand berms to keep the oil away from the Louisiana coast.

But, Jindal is a Republican and Obama preferred to play politics instead of saving the Bayou.

Opportunity lost!

Being president is more than organizing the community with pitch forks to protest for social justice.

What’s really being exposed is not oil in the Gulf, but ineptitude at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

And Progressives can’t see that the Emperor has no clothes.

Video of Bobby Jindal Angry at Obama for Inaction

Via Daily Beast

Via Memeorandum

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