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Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Bad Girls, Bad Girls..

watcha gonna do??

As I start to look into non profits and certain charities, I am appalled, I say appalled, at what I'm finding out! First we find out that Dr. Laura and a bunch of other Bush war fanatics supported Operation Family Fund which was in fact cheating the troops out of the care they were suposed to get! They were diverting the funds to friends!! And most of the crimes were masterminded by women!!
Questionable non profits/charities:
Animal Rescue Team
Operation Family Fund
the Wendy P McCaw Foundation,
whose executive director Jon Clark makes $110,000 a year! Stealth Wendy after buying the News-Press: She gave a rare personal interview to her own newspaper after the deal was announced, but insisted that no photographs be taken. When she first visited the newspaper after the purchase, she casually strolled the five or so blocks from her office and introduced herself to the staff. But it was on a Saturday, when the offices were all but empty. (hee hee)
from the web:
When we recently wrote a column suggesting that philanthropies be run more like businesses, one factor we didn’t look into — but perhaps should have — was fraud.
According to a Times report by Stephanie Strom, fraud and embezzlement in the non-profit sector account for a loss of $40 billion a year, or roughly 13 percent of philanthropic giving.
Report Sketches Crime Costing Billions: Theft From Charities
The volunteer treasurer of the Madison County Humane Society in Indiana was charged this month with using $65,000 of the charity’s money to buy jewelry and makeup. In San Francisco, the chief financial officer of the Music Concourse Community Partnership was fired after he was accused of taking $3.6 million of the organization’s money to play the stock market.
Nonprofit leaders tend to shrug off such cases as evidence of "just a few bad apples." But a new report, trying to identify the scope of such thefts for the first time, suggests otherwise.
The report, by four professors who specialize in nonprofit accounting, found that the typical theft from a charity was committed by a female employee with no criminal record who earned less than $50,000 a year and had worked for the nonprofit at least three years. The amount she stole was less than $40,000.
something is happening here, but you don't know what it you..Mr. Jones

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