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Thursday, April 2, 2009

the Three Stooges....

Lanny, Joe and Curly- Mike!

it seems the NewsPress can't write an editorial without quoting the SBCTA...
are they in bed together?? Joe, who paid for that $60,000 Mercedes you've been driving..hopefully, with no Tequila Sunrises in the glove compartment! Drunk driving is no joke!! be extra careful!
Is SBCTA abusing its 501c4 tax-exempt status for political purposes and to enrich its
members instead of promoting social welfare?
Tax exemption is one of the principal benefits for non-profit organizations. Tax exemption enables the organization to operate without federal (and perhaps state) income tax. This benefit often enhances the organization’s ability to accumulate income and assets without paying taxes like you and me!
Non-profit status:Both 501(c)(3)s and 501(c)(4)s must be run as not for profits.
Neither 501(c)(3)s nor 501(c)(4) earnings may benefit a private shareholder or individual.
Both 501c3 and 501c4 organizations are exempt from paying federal income tax. State tax-exemption status varies by state.
the SBCTA wants your maybe I should's my analysis in blue..
the SBCTA sales pitch:
please consider donating or becoming a member donating? WTF for..what have you done that I should donate to your group of extreme rightwingers who don't work for a living? who rely on inheritance money?
Few organizations exist, especially at the local level, to watch and monitor how our local and state governments spend your tax dollars. but not don't pay taxes! The Santa Barbara County Taxpayers Association has been serving taxpayers in this capacity for over 50 years, watching and monitoring..sounds like a nice job (if you're a girlie man!)
Unlike other local tax-exempt organizations, SBCTA receives no financial support from any government entity or 501 (C) 3 organizations, such as the "Fund for Santa Barbara", which claims to be a nonpartisan charitable organization and yet funds local political groups who continually support the waste, fraud and abuse of taxpayer money. So the "Fund for Santa Barbara" is involved in fraud..where's the proof?

DONATE.... because SBCTA doesn't really like to work ...
or mail donation to:
SBCTA, PO Box 21621, Santa Barbara, CA 93121
SBCTA is a non-profit 501(C)4 organization. Contributions to 501(c)(4) organizations generally are not deductible as charitable donations, but they may be deductible as a business expense. nobody will know!
Our members are extremely important to keep SBCTA going. We rely on membership dues for approximately 50% of our budget. If you aren't yet a member, we ask you to consider joining the SBCTA so we can continue fighting to hold down your taxes! Name one incident where you've held down my taxes?
Individual/Family Membership Rates:
Individual: $45.00
Family: $50.00
Retired: $40.00
Lifetime Membership: Individual/Family: $750.00 - Retired: $300.00
Business Memberships:
1 - 5 Employees$ 125.00
6 – 25 Employees: $ 200.00
26 -100 Employees: $ 350.00
101 – 250 Employees: $ 500.00
251 – 1000 Employees: $ 2,500.00
1000+ Employees: $ 3,750.00
a fool and his money are soon parted!

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