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Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Run Warden Run!!

News-Press wants to give the Fish and Game Warden a "stiff" penalty!!

Instead of placing the blame where it belongs, on the Animal Rescue Team in Solvang, the News-Press blames the government agency, Fish and Game, for the mountain lion cub fiasco! The ART is trying to cover up its own incompetent handling of the situation. Some folks in Solvang have questioned the need for this facility in their the ART girls help wildlife or are they a bunch of socialites with a rescuer complex? That is the question..whether it is nobler to corner two "emaciated" cubs and shoot them up with tranquilizers..or call the feds to handle what the ladies couldn't! The News-Press has been giving money to these ART gals trying to turn them into martyrs, but they seem a bit flakey to me! They are probably the ones who walk their designer dogs in lion territory, and then complain when a lion attacks. Lion attacks are very rare, but sitings will increase as people build into their habitat, leave pet food out, and otherwise act irresponsibly. and to top it off they are a "non-profit" (watch your pocketbooks, you already pay the feds to answer wild animal calls!)
Wendy claims she cares about animals, but she uses this incident to, guess what, knock the government! She's a phony baloney..and with her support of the non-native Channel Islands animal killings, the long black veil is starting to slip....
At least now the cats are safe!!

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