slavery abolished in 1865... Following its ratification by the requisite three-quarters of the states earlier in the month, the 13th Amendment is formally adopted into the U.S. Constitution, ensuring that "neither slavery nor involuntary servitude... shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction."
I have no doubt that the NewsPress wants to try to convince some of its slower readers that the city gov't is responsible for the financial meltdown during the Bush Administration... no doubt....forget the mismanagement and fraud by the private CEOs! .. and repeating this same innane theme in editorial opinions may cause a few subliminal messages to slip into the psyche of the less astute among its readership..they tried that when the union was picketing outside Home Improvement...telling readers it was illegal..of course it wasn't.. everybody saw through the ploy of full page ads against the union...unless, that is, you happen to be a moron..
the News-Press has certainly been dumbed down since Dr. Laura joined, blabbed and departed under a cloud of scandal...detailed right here on these very pages! Now, Wendy is trying to start a little class war pitting the middle class worker against the pseudo-uber rich..that is a stupid political move as her puppets are starting to dance on her stage...Iya, Cushman and Self.....
50 cents...
Dear Wendy....I went to buy a paper this morn, and got it for 50 cents, although the paper says it cost 75 cents..the rack moneymaker still needs to be changed..wut up??.. from CLUELESS in Seattle!
why did Wendy decide to raise the it supply and demand? am I getting a new and improved product? I don't see anything new or better..the editorial dept is stuck in an anti-city loop! What am I getting extra that I should pay 75 cents for the same POS???
The Daily Sound is free still! Is the NewsPress trying to make up for lack of subscribers and advertisers? or is it just another nail in the coffin of this piece of crap paper, which I buy for entertainment (TV Guide) and to pick up dog doody in my yard and put it back in the neighbor's yard where it belongs! tell me..what the phuck else is the News-Press good for??
Dear Wendy....I went to buy a paper this morn, and got it for 50 cents, although the paper says it cost 75 cents..the rack moneymaker still needs to be changed..wut up??.. from CLUELESS in Seattle!
why did Wendy decide to raise the it supply and demand? am I getting a new and improved product? I don't see anything new or better..the editorial dept is stuck in an anti-city loop! What am I getting extra that I should pay 75 cents for the same POS???
The Daily Sound is free still! Is the NewsPress trying to make up for lack of subscribers and advertisers? or is it just another nail in the coffin of this piece of crap paper, which I buy for entertainment (TV Guide) and to pick up dog doody in my yard and put it back in the neighbor's yard where it belongs! tell me..what the phuck else is the News-Press good for??
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