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Friday, April 17, 2009

Sacred Cows...

One World.....

Ok..I've been making fun of conservatives..and let me make this perfectly clear, I did not have sex with that woman! The libs are not without faults and can annoy me sometimes...
global warming...I hate people who constantly bitch about the weather!
Mickey there anything in Chicago, for a monkey woman to do??
Channel Keepers...I just learned that unless you give them money, the beach water quality tests will cease...the city already tests the beaches as part of a discharge who are all these little so-called environmental organizations running around with water test kits? they are there to instill fear and collect money..Heal the Ocean, Surfrider, Heal the Bay..the ocean is fine for swimming provided the sewage plants are staffed with professionals to treat your doodoo! Nothing can be done about the dolphins, sharks and whales who use the ocean as their own personal toilet!! Think about that next time you eat some sushi, you commie pinko fascist liberals!!
Speaking of sharks..the cons are hysterical about the headless otter and seal found on Morro Bay beaches..the News-PRess assumes it was done by some liberals..perhaps..but Great White sharks dine on seals and the method of kill is sneak up and decapitate!
Prius..I will never drive a Prius..only liberal pussies would drive a bar of soap like a Prius..I prefer American cars and a 50s or 60s Corvette or Mustang will do just fine...
Taxes..Marvin Gaye and Ten Years After had two songs about the state of the union 40 years ago..still applicable today...Marvin's "Inner City Blues" and TYA's "I'd Love to Change the World"..listen libs and learn!

Population keeps on breeding Nation bleeding, still more feeding.. economy

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