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Saturday, December 5, 2009

Christmas Seals...

13 seals a-serfin' (sic)

hey, what about seals? don't they deserve a nice Christmas song? you got your partridges, you got your turtledoves, you got your TEN LORDS LEAPING and they're all leaping FOR ONE REDHEADED WOMAN!! see.. I grant Christmas wishes like Santa Claus!!
well, now you got your seals! so off I go to the Bluffs for a hike and almost get run over by the City of Carp Vactormobile..the Vactor cleans out tanks and sewer lines but I didn't know the Bluffs had I see the usual foks (sic) walking their dogs on a leash for once...I got no problem with leashed varmints!...but one lady was walking her tiny chiwowahs (sic) without a do yu (sic) put a leash on a dog smaller than a flea? Instead, she had a water bottle with a nozzle which she sprayed at the dogs when they strayed too far from her!! I thought that was funny and the dogs responded know, that's an old cat trick I used that never worked..the cat just scrunched his face at me like "what're you doing, moron?"
Ok so I'm hiking and get to the ocean and it's pretty and the surf is high..CRASH.. wave smacks me right in the face!! ooowwww..I love cool water.. and then I see a bunch of activity in the water like splashing and I hoped it was a shark feeding frenzy..but no, just some seals playing..swimming, diving, surfing and they look like dogs a little...but they swim better and they got flippers instead of legs which is why they look funny when they walk..they really should stay in the water, it's embarrassing!
two turtledoves..
and a hawk on a highway clean-up sine (sic)!

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