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Monday, December 7, 2009

Folk Dancin' in the Ice Plants...

erosion of values....
hey remember Folk Dancing? down at the beach by the Cabrillo Arts Center...hippies and folkies and homeless and even foreigners would gather and play world music and dance around...that was when war, peace and love ruled the world and people were not so plastic, man. Nowadays, they are spreading plastic mulch on the hillsides to combat erosion....erosion..that's our word for the day..say it: EROSION.
travel along the highway and you'll see ice plant carpeting the landscape. It was planted years ago for erosion control..
It's a plant that has been targeted and demonized by the NOC..Native- Only Cult..the members of this cult hail from the Nazis..the Green Nazis who want to, at taxpayer expense, turn California into their own private garden by eliminating non native species. This makes my blood boil..these fools don't see the folly of their actions, the unintended consequences of removing undesirable plants by poisoning watersheds, burning habitats or enlisting children to do their dirty work. This very thing is happening all over California and esp on the Channel Islands which are mostly owned by the Nature Conservancy, who use tax dollars to restore the, restoration biology or ecology is taught in schools and the kids are being brainwashed and taught intolerance...plant intolerance.
In a nutshell, the restoration at the Islands has failed and yet they continue under the "leadership" of Russell Galipeau. This guy is paid by my tax money. I met him at the SB Public Library and he seemed to be somewhat intelligent..I was wrong. He's an idiot! He even said the restoration was not going well, that he's made mistakes, that some golden eagles have returned to the islands but haven't threatenened the fox one little bit, and yet, he continues to rip up the islands FOR NO REASON!! The latest fiasco is the removal of ice plant on Anacapa. Anacapa Island has been poisoned to get rid of native mice and now they are tearing up the hills... from the Ventura County Star: The park is undertaking its most labor-intensive restoration effort ever as it tries to remove the plant from East and Middle Anacapa by 2016, the National Park Service’s centennial. Although efforts to remove the plant have been going on for decades, this year marked the beginning of a ramped-up drive to return the island to a more natural state.
A more natural state?? This is cult-speak for "we don't like iceplant!"...or fennel, or thistle, or any number of nonnatives..hey, we're all native to Mother Earth so I don't buy this restoration for one minute!! Ice plant is home to bees and other species, is drought tolerant and provides erosion control to the islands..some NOC members claim ice plant causes erosion on slopes because it is they suggest planting native plants instead. Well, there are differnent causes of erosion from wind, water, gravity and if a hillside comes down after a heavy rain, it's not because of ice plant or even erosion related.
This hillside behind the horrible Summerland Cottages came down after the development was built because it has unstable soils..there's no ice plant here and plenty of biodiversity, but still, it will need to do soil analysis before planting or building ANYTHING..that's why it's better in wild areas to let nature decide what belongs where... she does that by dispersal of seeds thru wind action or whatever action she deems necessary. Some jackass cut into these roadside trees which hawks use for food and shelter...if I find out who did it, he'd better run...and I support walking the dog on a leash esp if you got a nice ass like this stunning young woman!
To suggest a plant should not be in California because of its non-native status should be a crime..and crimes are being commited on the Islands by Russell Galipeau and the Nature Con..who will rue the day when they messed with Mother Nature!!

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