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Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Earlier this year North Korea snatched two American journalists on the Chinese border, put them on trial for espionage, fired test missiles over Japan and eventually got President Obama to appease them with bi-lateral talks.

Iran recently grabbed 3 American hikers on the Iraq border, announced that they will be put on trial for espionage, and fired test missiles this morning capable or reaching Israel and parts of Europe.

What is President Obama doing?

He’s taking a break from getting the senate to pass his bank-breaking Health Care bill to fly to Copenhagen for the International Shakedown Summit masquerading as a Climate Conference in which Liberal elites are trying to extort reparations from rich countries to poor countries for the crime of becoming industrialized.

Gordon Cucullu wrote, “The lesson is now clear to America's enemies: Just push a little, and Obama will give you all you want.”

Ralph Peters also has a nice way of expressing how inept President Obama is when dealing with America’s enemies. Oh sure he likes using Predator Drones in Pakistan to kill man-made disaster makers (formerly known as Terrorists). But, those are low risk actions. Well, low risk except for the innocent people that get killed in the process that the media ignores.

Yes, Obama believes in using “soft power”. However, Iran see that as weakness and is acting accordingly just like their friends in North Korea.


From The Last Tradition

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