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Sunday, December 6, 2009

The Other Side Of Jack Bauer (Part 3)

Season 5

Arguably the best season of 24, this season displayed several scenes of Jack's softer/tender side. Much of those scenes involve his reunion with Audrey Raines but there were other moments as well:

Jack & Diane:
At the beginning of season 5, after faking his death at the end of day 4, Jack is living under an alias, Frank Flynn and renting a room from a woman, Diane Huxley who has a teenage son. On the surface they look like a regular family, Jack offering to fix the fence and verbally sparing a bit with the skeptical teenage son, Derek.

In these scenes we got to see the non-agent, domestic Jack. It was interesting that they were kind of ambiguous regarding whether there was a romantic relationship between Diane and Jack. It seemed Jack did like the family atmosphere Diane and Derek provided that he had not experienced for a very long time. Through these few scenes we got to see the family man side of Jack. Also in later scenes with Derek, Jack was very kind and patient with him even though before he found out how Jack really was, he didn't trust him and thought he was trying to take advantage of his mom. Jack was very much like a father to Derek in the scenes after the airport hostage situation and later at CTU.

Audrey Sees Jack Again: Thinking Jack was dead, Audrey learned early on in Day 5 that Jack was still alive but being sought for the assassination of David Palmer. Audrey didn't believe Jack killed Palmer and she was right of course. She sees Jack for the first time since his "death" while she questioning Diane Huxley. Diane noticed the way they looked at each other and realizes they apparently had a previous relationship.

Audrey goes out of the office to talk to Jack and they have a brief conversation. They both had so much they wanted to say to each other, but Audrey did  manage to tell Jack she  forgave him for what happened to Paul and that she regretted him thinking she hated him when he "died". Jack seems so relieved that Audrey forgave him and it was apparent they were both overwhelmed with emotion at the time.

More than anything, I thought this scene showed just how much Jack was afraid Audrey had never forgiven him for faking his death and how he handled Paul. When Audrey said she had forgiven him and understood why he had to go underground, Jack had such a look of relief on his face, it looked as if the weight of he world had been lifted from his shoulders. This scene really showed the vulnerable, contrite side of Jack very well.

Jack & Diane Depart / Does Jack Still Love Audrey?: Before leaving CTU to meet in secret with Mike Novick, Jack sees Diane one last time before her and her son leave CTU to go back home. She and Jack have a brief discussion where she asks him if he's coming home with them and she asks him about his relationship with Audrey.

When it is apparent Jack is not leaving CTU with her and still loves Audrey, Jack and Diane part ways. This was a very sweet scene where Jack and Diane hug and he simply says, "thank you" to her. He doesn't have to say anything more than that. We understand what Jack is thanking her for. For a brief time, Jack was able to experience what it was like to have a family again and that was because of Diane's openness and kindness to Jack when he needed it most.

Later, as Jack arrives to where he is meeting Mike, Audrey calls Jack to inquire as to what his future plans will be after what he's doing is over, Jack says he doesn't know and Audrey ends up asking if he still loves her. Jack  pauses and tells Audrey, "I've never stopped loving you, not for one second."

This isn't a surprising revelation on Jack's part, we all knew he still loved Audrey, but was another good illustration of Jack's loving, romantic side where he expresses to Audrey how much he still loves her.

Jack & The Russian Girl: When Jack locates Rossler, the man who was going to help Erwich reconfigure the gas canisters, to his surprise, Rossler is holding a young Russian girl against her will in his apartment and we later find out he acquired the girl after she was kidnapped by those involved in the sex slave trade.

I loved the scenes between Jack and the girl because Jack was so sweet and kind to her plus you could tell how angry he was that this young girl was being abused by Rossler. I like seeing the protective side of Jack Bauer as well.

There was also another scene where Jack tries to explain to her that she will have to go with Rossler temporarily until they get what they want from him and he promises her that they will get her away from him. She doesn't believe Jack, but he is so  kind and patient with her as he tries to explain that he and the other agents are there to protect her. Another good example of Jack's kindness to the young girl.

Jack and Kim Reunite: At Jack's request Audrey calls Kim and has her come to CTU. Jack wants to let her know he's still alive but doesn't want her to hear it from anyone else. Audrey tells Kim before she sees Jack to try and make it easier for her.  Kim is upset that her father deceived her by faking his death and going underground.

This is why Kiefer Sutherland is the perfect actor to play Jack Bauer. He shows in this scene with Kim the vulnerable, sad side of Jack in such an effective manner. Kiefer did such a wonderful job in these scenes with Kim because he acts not only using his voice, but uses his body to act as well. The next time you watch that scene, notice his body language; he conveys the feeling of a vulnerable, lost little boy. It takes a lot of talent to portray two very different sides of a character in such a real and effective way. Kiefer does it better than almost any actor I've ever seen.

Jack Cries For Tony: Jack finds Tony too late after Henderson injects him with the hyoscine-pentothal he intended to use to kill Henderson. Henderson escapes and Jack finds Tony lying on the floor. Jack tries to get Tony to hang on but Tony dies in his arms and Jack weeps for him. A very sad scene as Jack holds his friend and cries after he believes he is dead. 

Jack Interrogates & Then Rescues Audrey: Audrey is accused by Collette Stenger of giving her the schematics to the natural gas distribution plant that was Beierko's target for a nerve gas attack. She is taken into custody and Jack interrogates Audrey. A very powerful and intense scene, but later when he believes her and is not involved, Karen Hayes wants to be sure so she orders a medical interrogation.

Jack is sure Audrey is innocent and he and Chloe find evidence that she is. Jack then orders Burke to stop the interrogation and then there is a very sweet, tender scene between Jack and Audrey after Burke leaves. This was a good scene to illustrate how much Jack cares about Audrey and that she is protected.  Of course this nice moment does not last between them because Jack is called away on business.

Jack & Audrey Reunite For Good (Well, not quite. This IS 24 after all): Finally, it's hour 24 and the threat is completely over and Logan is arrested. Audrey is brought to where Jack is and they have a brief reunion. Audrey can't believe Jack is really there with her and they share a close moment and he kisses her. But this is 24 of course, Jack's happiness is not to last unfortunately. Jack gets called away by what he believes is a phone call from Kim but it was a ruse; Jack is kidnapped by the Chinese and put on a slow boat to China.

Conclusion: Although Jack was in a very different place during season 5, presumed dead, then setup for the murder of David Palmer; Jack was bent on bringing the real killers of David Palmer to justice. A very focused, revenge-minded Jack during this season, plus he was trying to help stop a nerve gas threat.

In spite of that, you still got to see a lot of the softer Jack moments as well during season 5. Audrey was involved in most of those moments, but you saw the protective side of Jack with the Russian girl and when he saved the little girl in the mall during the nerve gas attack for example.

Season 5 had a well-balanced mix of both sides of the Jack Bauer character and both tough and tender Jack were so wonderfully played by Kiefer Sutherland. It is not surprising Kiefer won a well-deserved Emmy & SAG Award for Lead Actor in a Drama for season 5.

-By 24FanForever

Coming Soon: Season 6

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