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Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The Victory-Less Speech at West Point

I kinda felt sorry for all those cadets that were used as stage props for President Obama’s vocalization to announce his own version of a “troop surge”.

At one point I began to yawn and I said to myself, “Is this Barack Obama speaking?” Then it occurred to that I heard that phrase or this phrase before in other speeches. If Barack Obama was told that for his next oratory display, he wasn’t allowed to say anything that he’s already said before, I think the man would probably stare at a blank teleprompter screen in silence.

Last night’s effort was an outright snooze-fest given by a man who was arrogant enough to think he had the wherewithal to explain to America why we needed to escalate the war in Afghanistan.

He thinks the American people are a bunch of dolts. On second thought, that would describe the people who voted for him.

I don’t need no stinking explanation as to why we needed to send more troops. I knew it back in August when Gen Mckristol felt it was necessary to win the war. It was the president who has been dithering since then.


Because Barack Obama knows as much about war and the military as Keith Olberman knows about integrity and journalism. He’s heart is in ObamaCara and Cap & Trade and everything else is an inconvenient truth.

And did you notice that Obama did not mention the word “victory” once. How can you have a mission let alond a war with the idea of victory not being part of the equation? But, then again Barack Obama is not comfortable with the concept of victory as he’s previously said in an interview.

Then why the hell did you run for president?

Oh right, I forgot.

He’s wants to remake America into what it used to be even though it never was what he wants to change it into. Mr. President it was a horrible effort last night. I’m sure you’ll have more trouble from your Leftist base than you’ll from the rest of us. Unlike you, we already know why we had to go to Iraq and Afghanistan. We’re already firm believers in projecting strength—a concept you know nothing about with all your apologizing for America and your bowing down to foreign leaders.

You’re a war president by default and deceit with the help of your whores in the media. So save your grandiose speeches for the lemmings who fall for them.

From The Last Tradition

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