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Friday, June 26, 2009

an apple a day...

keeps my insurance premiums down...

I got a glossy brochure in the News-Press about Cottage Hospital... I took it out and read it..I was seems to me that too many people who enter that place for treatment don''t make it out alive..seriously! I've known many folks..some friends and family who were treated there...the surgeons got rich, but the patients got dead...that's the last place I'm going to if I ever get sick..St. Francis was another story...they stitched me up once when I nearly cut my finger off..I was cutting some frozen fish steak, pissed off at some stupid woman, and AHHH! the knife slipped and went right into my finger..I could hear her laughing 300 miles away! Blood was shooting out like a fountain..I freaked and wrapped it up and sped off to St. Francis hospital...the doctor, a kid with long hair, stitched me up like an old pro! Another good medical facility is the Medical Center on upper State St..I haven't beeen in so long, I don't know if it's still there...but Cottage..if you go there you better have a will ready..I don't trust them..hell, they even advertise "lap bands" and "gastric by-passes" for fat people..that alone should be a clue to STAY AWAY!!! don't get a gastric bypass.. instead exercise and eat an apple a day to keep the doctor away!
Outta Time...
the NewsPress is is so outta touch that they are making up headline stories...recently referring to the Montecito Republican Party as a real political's what happens when you replace pro work force writers with wet-behind-the-ears teenie boppers! like totally..well maybe they are a real entity..a group of radical anti-Obama activist bridge players!
Don't cry for me South Carolina..
first we get that goofy huckleberry neocon Lindsay Graham who holds a news conference everytime President Obama farts....then we get the neocon governor who abruptly takes off to Argentina to see his mistress, gets taxpayers to pay for it and tells everyone he's out hiking:
Sanford has said he has made three trips to see his lover, who is divorced. The governor paid for the most recent trip with his own funds, Sawyer said. He said he knew very little about the trip before that one. But the first of the three trips, Sawyer said, was a June 2008 trade mission to Brazil and Argentina, paid for with South Carolina tax dollars. On Thursday, in response to queries from The Times and other news outlets, the state Commerce Department released details of that weeklong trip, including the $9,000-plus bill paid by state taxpayers!!
why don't I have an Argentina babe I can fly away to?? I guess coz I'm too busy out hiking!

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