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Friday, June 19, 2009

islands in the sun

ending the war against non-natives

so I go into SB to attend the Channel Island Informational meeting at the library...who do I see..Brigitte Bardot walking her designer dogs...what is this, Beverly Hills?? la Fronch Riviera?? Keep your dogs at home and locked up!! If you don't, I'll tell the Parks Service guys your dogs are non-native and you know what they'll do?
they'll KILL THEM!!!
Channel Islands

"I support the Wilderness designation.. I am for anything that will keep you people from killing, burning, poisoning all things non native in the name of biodiversity..the bloody restoration is a giant scam! leave the islands alone!!"
that's what I told Russell Galipeau of the Channel Islands Parks...first lemme say: Mayor Blum, clean up the library grounds! Plant some grass, clean the windows, otherwise I'll sic the News-Press on you! the meeting was at 6:00 pm and only a few people were there to start, so I go over to Galipeau and start reading him the riot act about the islands, the killings, bionativism and you know what..he's a really nice guy! He said the Parks Service has made some mistakes, the pig killing was a hard call, but they had to measure that against losing the fox..I said..bullpucky Russ, the fox would have been fine with the pigs..and the golden eagles....Galipeau said a few golden eagles have returned to the the translocation was a failure..JUST AS I PREDICTED! Then we went back and forth about native and non-native species..I showed him the Rat Island/Alaska story ..RATISLAND..
and he was surprised so many eagles died..and he was receptive to my concerns..actually welcomed the that's good..I guess he's just a guy doing his job the way he thinks is right..I told him not to be so hard on non-native species....they support other wildlife..then I asked him why I love non-natives so much, he said maybe something in my childhood..hmmm, funny guy this Galipeau! I said no way, I like them because they are underdogs, outcasts!
so.. I hope the Parks people get their act together and stop overacting to restore the islands..I support any rational plan and told him so..I also told him that I'm not affilated with the News-Press, that Wendy is a rich pseudo-environmentalist and that she's a whacko and not to listen to her and she's insane..he laughed..I laughed.. a few folks listening laughed..a homeless guy was laughing..we all laughed...
Island has dead birds, no rats
POISONING: Toxic pellets may have halted infestation of rodents.
Published: June 12th, 2009 09:06 PMLast Modified: June 13th, 2009 09:35 PM
The first check on the effects of a $3 million rat-poisoning campaign on remote Rat Island turned up no living rodents on the 10-square-mile island in the Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge -- but 227 dead birds.
Nine months after blanketing the island with compressed-grain pellets of Rodenticide, a seven-member survey team this week collected 186 glaucous-winged gull and 41 bald eagle carcasses. Most were juveniles, many in advanced stages of decomposition.
"Certainly, the numbers are far higher than we would have anticipated," said spokesman Bruce Woods of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. "It's not clear why. We'll have to wait for the lab results."
Woods said it's unlikely carnivorous eagles ate the Rodenticide grain pellets, but they may have devoured some dead rats that had consumed them..
It's not clear why???? yes it fuckheads poisoned them!!!
UCSB sponsors a burn on Lagoon Island burn to wipe out non native grasses...dumbasses!!
I put 'em out....

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