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Wednesday, June 17, 2009

What happens in Vegas...

happens everywhere!

Gee wiz...if the Republicans ever hope to win anything again, they need to stop being such drama queens and hypocrites...first, Sarah Palin gets in a huff over David Letterman's joke about her daughters...Sarah doesn't like to be reminded what a bad mother she is..she paraded around one underaged unmarried pregnant daughter during the elections while preaching abstinence it only follows that her other daughter would get "knocked up" before she hits 18, too. The woman is just a silly little slut!!
Next, I read this story about..oh no...extramarital affairs and randy Christians (snake oil salesmen)!!
LAS VEGAS (June 17) - Just two weeks after taking the first steps toward a 2012 presidential bid, conservative Republican Sen. John Ensign of Nevada is admitting to an extramarital affair last year with a campaign aide.
Ensign, a rising star in conservative circles and Nevada's most popular Republican, disclosed the affair at a hastily arranged news conference here Tuesday, shattering his prospects for heading his party's ticket three years from now and jarring a state already dealing with a scandal involving its GOP governor.
"Last year I had an affair. I violated the vows of my marriage," Ensign told reporters, refusing to take any questions. "It is the worst thing I have ever done in my life. If there was ever anything in my life that I could take back, this would be it."
Ensign, 51, belongs to the men's Christian ministry Promise Keepers, and has championed causes pushed by the GOP's conservative religious base.
and so it goes..on and on..conservatives preach one thing and do another..especially when it comes to sex...remember Newt Gingrich..old Newt is still out there hawking books, living off of Rubert Murdoch, and trying to be relevant: Gingrich was swept off the scene not by Democrats but by the very same GOP he now would love to lead. By overplaying the Monica Lewinsky scandal, Gingrich so mismanaged the political moment that his party actually lost five House seats in the 1998 election -- the worst midterm outcome in nearly a century for a party not holding the White House. This catastrophe came in the wake of a tsunami of national disgust after Gingrich effectively shut down the federal government in a budget dispute, telling reporters that he was playing hardball with President Clinton in part because of having been "snubbed" on Air Force One, where he was assigned a seat at the rear of the plane.
Gingrich had to pay a $300,000 fine after his colleagues in the House voted to reprimand him for ethics violations. And then there was the small matter of the congressman's $4.5-million book advance from Rupert Murdoch, whose corporation had several pieces of business pending before the House over which Gingrich presided. As speaker, he railed against Clinton's immoral behavior, but then it became public that Gingrich had handed his wife a divorce ultimatum in 1981 while she was in the hospital recovering from cancer surgery (an illness Gingrich shamelessly exploited during his 1978 House campaign). Published reports at the time said his ex-wife had to depend on church donations because Gingrich wouldn't provide adequate support for her and his daughters. Six months after that first divorce, he remarried and stayed married until an affair he was having with an aide 23 years his junior led to yet another divorce. Gingrich was carrying on with his aide, he later confessed, at the same time he was pushing for Clinton's impeachment because of his dalliance with Lewinsky.
the logical conclusion is: all Republicans are little SLUTS!!!

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