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Sunday, June 7, 2009

when I was 17....

No Way, Jose..

I went to snap some pictures of our local gang's artwork, when I spied a swan! The channelized creek was teeming with life, despite the lowlife who sprayed the bridge... a member of Carpinteria Beautiful drove up and said they would clean it up soon..they are great..keeping the town litter-free and cleaning up after the little gang shitheads...

now, this all made me think of our city councilman Jose Armendariz. He came up with the bright idea of a fireworks show in Carp at the beach-end of Linden Ave...he stated the reason was that Santa Barbara was unsafe for families due to the gangs during the 4th of July. This was a cheap political stunt that fizzled after the City of Carp said no. Jose forgot about the permits, logistics, state parks budgets, cost and all those other things he should know before suggesting such a silly's an idea: how many Santa Barbarans have been killed by drunk drivers after eating tacos? Maybe we should hold Fiesta in Carp!!
Super Freak... 
Well, I wasn't gonna say anything, but I'm a big fan of the old westerns and horror flicks with guys like John Carradine who spiced up the stories with their quirkiness and campiness...
So when his son died recently, I was touched..not that I was a big fan of David Carradine..but the details that emerged were not mentioned in the Kinsey Report...I mean, he was found naked and hanged, with rope around the genitals and neck! It was a sex thing??
The idea being that if you cut off oxygen supply to the brain, the sex is better..unless you wait too long and kill yourself! aaaarrhhh!
This theory baffles me...when I get less oxygen to the brain, two things happen: I blog more often and I get a sex seems not to be the answer..maybe an Excedrin? And the headache excuse has been used for ages when you've really grown tired of your girlfriend or boyfriend..not tonight honey, I got a headache...which really means: not anymore honey, you make me ill! Time to move on!
But I would have told Carradine not to do that weird stuff and try loud girls instead ..the screamers....they are ten times better than rope and they won't kill you, generally...
she's super freaky!
hey..speaking of screamers... Gina Perry's back at the Daily Sound and this is a quote from her latest column, where she picks on kids again! "Given the opportunity, any ten-year-old could correctly identify the prevailing economic theory. Unfortunately, ten-year-olds aren’t given this opportunity in California’s school system: Current trends indicate they should be."
I smoked my first cigarette at ten, and for girls I had a bad yen, and I had quite a ball, when I was young....

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