and please please..MAKE ME HAPPY AGAIN!!!
here's a little lullaby for you..there there..everything will be alright...
Here is the origin of the term Halcyon Days from The Oxford Companion To The Year. December 14 appears to be the beginning of these days according to the book.
According to a Mediterranean folk belief, seven days before the winter solstice the halcyon—a mythical bird with the body of a kingfisher…—begins to build her nest; this takes her seven days, after which for another seven days she lays and hatches her eggs. During this period, known as ‘the halcyon days’, the sea is clam and can be sailed, almost always off Sicily and frequently elsewhere. Aristotle quotes from the lyric poet Simonides of Ceos: ‘when in the winter month Zeus brings calm to fourteen days the earthlings call the time when the wind is forgotten the holy breeding-season of he many-coloured ‘alycon.
Here is the definition of the term Halcyon Days from The Shorter Oxford English Dictionary—Fourteen days of calm weather supposed to happen when the halcyon was breeding; now, days of idyllic happiness or prosperity.
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