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Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Das is gooood...

1298 Coast Village Road is a go!

Despite a little black magic show put on by the opposition, the SB City Council voted 6-1 to allow a multi-use building to replace the gas station at the corner of Coast Village/Olive Mill Road.. many people showed up at the council chambers, mostly in favor of the project. They told the anti-everything minority to stop beating the dead horse. It was funny. The same folks who opposed the Miramar showed up here, and said almost the exact same robots! The Citizens Planning Association and spokesgirl chubby little Naomi Kovacs don't want anymore building unless they's like they think they are another separate review board. They are nimbys..nimbyism is fine in the right context, but opposing everything is obstructionism, negativism and, what is starting to look to me like nazi-ism! That's right..there's a faction of fickle feckless fearful fake fluffy & flakey folks operating in Montecito and Santa Barbara like a little Gestapo! Their headquarters are the News-PRess, their operative on the City Council is heir Dale Francisco, the lone no vote.
Dale threw a few hissy fits last night...everytime Das Williams spoke, Dale countered with yet another pouty lecture, actually going so far as to tell the council how they should deliberate and what they should say! Dale, you are a creepy lil Nazi! The opposition, who was whipped into a frenzy by faggy NewsPress frantic fraulein Travis Armstrong, was pretty limp at the hearing..they were few in number and sounded like little sour krauts!
After the meeting, I heard a few whispers! Wendy McCuckoo was leaning against the water cooler, staring at Mayor Blum..her face turned red when I axed her: what did you think about the meeting?
said Wendy:
"We need new Burgermeister!!"
"In relation to the political decontamination of our public life, the News-Press will embark upon a systematic campaign to restore the city's moral and material health.The whole educational system, theater, film,literature, the press and broadcasting --all these will be used as a means to this end."

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