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Wednesday, June 10, 2009

brother can you spare a dime?

walking on a wire...

every year firemen and firewomen walk around intersections witha boot in their hands, asking motorists for money. Every day it seems some non-profit is begging for money for any reason under the sun or the folks want to stop homeless panhandling at specific times of the when I'm eating lunch at the park or walking to the problem there..but if you're going to single out the homeless, the ACLU will be on your need to spread the ban to all groups who are beggars and not choosers.
who are these people? basketball stars? so another city council candidate Hollywood Hotchkiss announces on the steps of City Hall that he's in the race..look, why not at least be honest..there's a few candidates who are owned by Ms. News-Press Wendy McCuckoo, it's obvious even to an ostrich! Mike Self, Hotchkissup and Cushyman...
Instead of announcing on the steps of City Hall, just use the News-Press entrance instead...

a man needs a maid..
Carrie Prejean was fired from her Miss California job so she could come be my maid!

sixer coming thru Carp...
CALTRANS wants to add lanes from Montecito to Carpinteria Creek...right in front of Carpinteria Marsh! Well, if it happens, they better do it right..there's plenty of historic highway and natural resources here..where'd all these people come from anyway???
Don't cut off your nose to spite your face..I don't know what that means, and I never will...Iya Falcone used it in the SB City Council budget hearings and it made me laugh..she talks in cliches...look at those Caltrans guys...
working hard, hardly workin'

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