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Sunday, June 21, 2009

lookin' out for number one...

you know how people like to put number tags on condors
and other wild animals...

well..from now on:
Julia is # 69 & Wendy is # 86..
NewsPress Against Safe Routes to School for Children!
all this lip service to protecting the children and they complain about a few sidewalks to make it safer for kids to walk to school...hypocrites!
I was listening to Salud Carbajal on Travis/NewsPress radio AM 1290.. they were talking about a safe route to school in Montecito..Travis was representing one person in Montecito who didn't want sidewalks to interfere with the rural atmosphere..Travis was in agreement and said the idea would open a hornet's nest!! Imagine, a private enterprise like the News-Press trying to dictate what should be on a public access street...hey, if they don't like street lights, let's just pull them out...silly stuff! I don't know why Salud indulges the News-Press... and Travis' attempts at sarcasm pointed towards the cabal are pathetic and in the world did this goofball get a job??
listen to Travis complain about safety for the kids!! notsafe

an unfinished life

News-Press writes another editorial about the mountain lion cubs.. but doesn't finish it! Nice job of editing!
so the content as usual makes no sense..and I wish they would stop lying about the cubs and covering up for the Animal Rescue Team in Solvang...I am really getting annoyed with these ladies..their recuer complex has become a full-fledged mania...exaggerations, lies, grandiose imaginings abound with these two...ART even has a story on Animal Planet about how they rescued a bobcat and a fawn by "Arnold Schwarzenegger's Ranch" during the fires...if I had known # 69 was so close to my neighborhood during the fire, I would have handcuffed her to Arnold's ranch truck bumper...rescuing the fawn and bobcat may sound heroic, but leaving them alone would have provided a meal, perhaps, for an animal who needed it...these women #69 and # 86 need to be examined by a professional for holes in their heads...
and their stories....

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