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Thursday, June 11, 2009

Boy Howdy!

a girl named Mike, and the News-Press pet candidates...
how does a woman who got her riches thru a divorce, who overpaid for a newspaper business, endeavor to tell anyone how to run their finances? and why, when the News-Press endorses someone, do I run and try to find some dirt on them? I dunno, maybe it's because the NP is so dirty that their dirt automatically ends up on the endorsees?!
so is council candidate Mike Self dirty? He/she heads up an activist group called "Safe Streets"; she runs and cries to the News-Press everytime Mayor Blum thumps her ass at a City Council meeting..then the News-Press writes an editorial about how mean Blum is!
That's all I know or care to know about her..she bothers me..the name, the Howdy Doody eyes...can't vote for someone like that. Now, let's get back to Safe my mind, a safe street is a street that's safe. A street that's not safe is a street that has some asshole driving drunk on it, the wrong way up a one-way street! That's not a Safe Street. However, I don't think Mike Self cares about that...she cares only about roundabouts..those itty bitty ones on the upper east side..hell, all you gotta do is shift it into 4-wheel drive and go right over them like I do!
and where was Safe Streets when her pal Travis, who made a mockery of safe streets and the whole safe street concept, was driving drunk on a formerly safe city street, which then became an unsafe street! where was Mike??
You follow me? I mean, that's what Travis is best known for! That's his claim to fame..drunk driving!
Geez, maybe I should lend my talents to become a campaign manager for some of these boobs.
and Frank Hotchkiss...he was on the front page and in an smoochy NP editorial with Mike Self...they are the "reform" candidates according to the News-Press...also according to the NP, Frank has 3 unpublished novels under his belt....if he keeps kissing up to Travis and Wendy, maybe Ampersand will publish one of them!
I saw Frank awhile back at Winchell's donuts on Milpas..he pulled up in an old black Porsche with no front license plate and stumbled out...looks like he needed coffee more than I did!
I am looking forward to the debates...

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