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Monday, December 14, 2009


Toys for Tots..

it's a little numbers game, life is I go down to Santa Claus Lane on Sunday like I've done for the last 14 years, to check out the motorcycle run...this is one event that shouldn't be politicized. However the new guy running it did just I must respond in kind..fuckhead, what's the matter with you??? Asking Dr. Laura to be the Grand Marshall? was that some kind of joke..well yes I guess it I walked down to take a few pictures of the joker, Dr. Laura whose whole career is based on lies and deception. Well, at least she doesn't have to cheat to win at this event!
I found her by the side of the lane..I yelled over to her to turn around but she just ignored me..her whole party, Lew and 3 or 4 peeps, just ignored me..."Hey, Dr. Laura..over's for the camera!"...she turned her back on me... "DR LAURA!!!!" I pleaded..nothing...
so after snapping a few shots, I went on my merry way. Gee, I wonder why she ignored me? Maybe it's because she knows I got her number? Yes, that's what it must be..Jenny I got your number: 867-5309..867-5309... I meander around and notice some cool bikes and one had a little bicycle on the back..what a nice gift! But where are all the people? Last year's event was packed, but this year only about year, get someone else to be Grand Marshall and make the run about the kids instead of Dr. Laura or some other washout....then they all headed out with Dr. Laura leading the way...
s-l-o-w-l-y...very s-l-o-w-l-y
hey why not get Osama Bin Laden next time; or Wendy McCaw!! Better yet, how about no one..just the riders instead of the posers.... after all, years ago some people created a little controversy trying to save Santa and Santa Claus Lane as an historical landmark..they had supporters and detractors, the NewsPress being a detractor..when Wendy bought the NewsPress, she came out with editorial after editorial claiming Santa was just a chickenwire and plaster statue not worth she wants to save the dirt in De La Guerra Plaza! Well, fuck her and her horse and continued thanks to all those who appreciate this place, the name of the lane remains the same, and although the Santa statue is in Oxnard doing very well, the vibe here hasn't changed much... just a casual old California beach roadside attraction that people still love....thank goodness!

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