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Monday, December 14, 2009

GOP Still Refuses to Refute Harry Reid’s Slavery Comments

These are Democrats. Ask Sen Byrd.

Remember that line from the movie, Animal House, about committing a really futile gesture?

That’s what I feel like a week after senate majority leader Harry Reid made his outlandish comments about Republicans wanting to stop ObamaCare and Slavery, after doing a Youtube search hoping to find a Republican, any Republican, willing to set the record straight.

I know Mitch McConnell and the other Republicans senators have their hands full offering up amendments highlighting the problems with the healthcare bill the Dems are trying to shove down America’s throat.

I get that.

However, Reid’s comments must be answered by somebody either on the Senate or House specifically refuting the fallacious history of the Democrat party, the original enslavers of Black people and the history of Democrats dragging their collective feet on every Civil Rights bill.

Being offended by Reid’s comments is unacceptable. The GOP has to be more than offended. They have to proactively and categorically set the matter clean.

Democrats were the party of Slavery.

Democrats were the party of Segregation.

And Democrats are the party of Socialism.

I urge all my fellow bloggers to post your own storues about this issue because the Republican party for far too long has allowed he Dems to continue this hogwash for over 40 years.

Until then I post any video from anyone willing to set the record straight as futile as it may be.

From The Last Tradition

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