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Friday, December 4, 2009

Obama’s Jobs Summit: Another Bogus Display of Incompetence

As the United States continues to suffer from 10% unemployment, President and Community Organizer Barack Obama thought is was a good idea to have a Jobs Summit at the White House.

I’m sure the millions of people who are out of work are desperately waiting for the wisdom of the Obama-Elite to come up with breakthrough ideas to get America back to work.

Don’t hold your breath folks!

These bunch of clowns know as much about what really creates new jobs as Lady Gaga knows about Einstein’s Theory of Relativity.

Rich Lowry has a nice piece in the NY Post in which he says:

“The Kauffman study posits a symbiotic relationship between those well-established firms and the younger ones. As the new firms succeed, the older firms ape their innovations or acquire them. And on it goes, an endless process of creation and destruction that -- as long as entrepreneurial spirits run high -- nets out as new jobs. “

Trouble is, the majority of the people that attended the event were Leftists from the academic and labor world who only know how to re-distribute capital value instead of creating it. Or, in other words, the blind was leading the blind into Utopian collectivism.

What’s really amusing is how the Step-N-Fetch media portrayed the meeting as a proactive affair by a president with the intellectual firepower to find the right answers.

Please pass the barf bag?

The Obama Presidency has descended into reality TV status in which you have a man that looks and acts the part without any direction or script to follow. Everything on display are a bunch of staged contrivances to give the appearance of actual drama; such as the photo op at Dover with Obama saluting flagged draped caskets, speech at West Point to announce the escalation of the war, Obama announcing that the America Medical Association gave their blessing to ObamaCare and everyone was given a white lab coat to wear.

Do you see the manipulation here?

Alas, they say the cream always rises to the top. But, in Barack’s case his cream is sinking to the bottom.

From The Last Tradition

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