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Friday, January 15, 2010

Obama and His Taxing Big Banks

"We want our money back, and we're going to get it," he fumed in promoting the tax, predicted to raise $117 billion over 12 years.
President Barack Obama January 14, 2010

So goes our president in his latest impersonation of Tony Soprano. Wow, he sounded really tough, huh? Obama stood there and posed like a B-movie roughian shaking his fists at the Big Mean banks even though they contributed more money to his presidential campaign than John McCain’s.

I bet the bankers are say, “What were we thinking?”

However, it’s all a shameless dance for O-bots and the to-busy-to notice crowd to sway them into thinking that the Banks are like child molesters needing to be punished for handing out large bonuses.

But, this is the hate-the-rich game Democrats love to play on behalf of the common folks. Hate those that are successful because why should they make all that money instead of you?

That fact that they (bankers) stayed in school and got a good education without getting anybody pregnant makes no difference in the assessment that they are all evil sons-of-bitches.

Funny I thought this was America where the sky is the limit to how high one can climb. People have been coming here for four centuries to make their lives and fortunes without the help, or worse, interference from government.

But, in Obmamworld, you’re not allowed to do it by yourself. You need his help and direction even to tie your shoes, let alone get a government job. According to Obama the Most Merciful, there is such a thing as making too much money. Forget about movie stars that make 35 million a film and supported Obama in droves. They don’t count, you silly goose.

So I wonder if the president sent back his last royalty check from his two best selling books that made him a millionaire with a note saying, “Sorry, I have enough money already!.”

If you believe that, you’ll believe that ACCORN registered phony voters on behalf of George W. Bush.

But I guess I was raised differently.

I’m more concerned with the money coming into my wallet with fewer taxes. And if the next man is making more dough, God bless him, because it really isn’t my business anyway. Silly me was raised to think that that being envious of others was a sin.

But, what do I know?

On the impact of Obama’s success killing tax plan, New York City, Mayor Michael Bloomberg said this:

“And if you want to see what happens to a city when their major industry fails just take a look at Detroit," which has been reeling from the collapse of the auto industry.”

Bloomberg also said:

“I'm very concerned that we don't drive business overseas. London became a financial center when we increased regulation here,"

Kudos to Mayor Bloomberg for adamantly looking out for his constituency that stands to be deeply hurt by the president’s proposed tax on Banks.

It’s a pretty simple idea to understand why making “bonuses” the new “N-word” is short-sighted and extremely stupid.

When a so-called banker or Wall Street fat cat gets paid a bonus, city and state taxes are imposed right off the top like everyone else in this country. That money makes up 28% of the city’s operating budget that is used to pay cops, fire-fighters, sanitation workers and a host of other city services.

If Obama’s tax plan becomes a reality these banking interests, which are already taxed at the highest rate in the country will pack up and move to low-tax states or out of the country entirely.

If New York City’s financial sector disappears thanks to Obama and his anti-business policies, New York City will morph into another Detroit. See Democrat Jennifer Grandholm and the wonderful things she’s done with the state of Michigan.

And the cruel irony would be that the people most hurt by Obmam’s deionization of bonuses would be the minority community who overwhelmingly voted for him.

That’s a nice trade-off for making history and electing the first African American president.

See New York Post

See Wall Street Journal

From the Last Tradition

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