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Saturday, August 28, 2010

ring of fire....

powder your noses? freshen up? more than ever!! Rupert Murdoch's boozer houseboy Glenn Beck is trying to Restore his Honor today...and so can you! 
although it's too late for Dr. Laura, who lost her radio show and is now turning tricks at the Biltmore, you other gals need to step it up in the hygiene dept if you want to's up to you..Tabasco Sauce or Summer's Eve!
(Aug. 27) --
Larry Knowles... Career women, take note: If you want to get that big raise, make sure you freshen up down below. That's the message, anyway, in a new print ad from feminine care products brand Summer's Eve. The ad, which appears in the October issue of Woman's Day, gives eight tips for women who hope to get a salary bump at work.The first tip, under the subhead "How to Ask for a Raise," includes this kernel of advice: "It should start with your usual routine ... including showering with Summer's Eve Feminine Wash or throwing a packet of Summer's Eve Feminine Cleansing Cloths into your bag for a quick freshness pick-me-up during the day."
That's right, ladies. Forget all that you've achieved during your time at Acme, or wherever it is that you work. First and foremost, wash your lady bits.The ad came to the attention of the general public Thursday when the blog Daily Kos posted a critical review of its message. Since then, several blogs have picked up the story, including AdFreak, a blog published by AdWeek, the leading trade publication for the advertising industry. AdFreak editor Tim Nudd believes that while the ad wasn't intended to offend, it never should have seen the light of day."They were playing with these vagaries of feeling good about yourself," Nudd said in an interview with AOL News, "but also that when you think of interacting with your boss, you should think, first, of feminine care products. When you think about it, it's ludicrous."Maria Mora, a writer and blogger, noticed the ad and hates that feminine care products play on the insecurities of women."How likely would it be to see an ad that suggested men up their confidence by altering the aroma of their [private parts]?" she said in an e-mail to AOL News. Actually, most men in the private sector just bend over for their boss and a say "I'll take whatever you give me, honey"! Another blogger, Jessica Gottlieb, creator of the MotrinMoms hashtag on Twitter, believes that douching is an outdated procedure and says the Summer's Eve ad reinforces the notion."An ad that sends a message that a 'clean' vagina will somehow give a woman more confidence at work used to be funny," Gottlieb told AOL News. "Now it's seen for what it clearly is, a throwback to the worst part of our work history, when women wore skirts as part of a dress code. ... Certainly no one wants to backtrack to those days."A post in AdFreak's comment section attributed to Angela Bryant, a brand manager at Summer's Eve, said, "I would like to first of all apologize if this ad in anyway has offended anyone. We are taking immediate next steps to remove the ad from circulation."
good! now excuse me while I go talk to a man about a horse.....

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