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Monday, August 30, 2010

President Obama Blasts the New Media for Reporting the Actual News and calling it Lies and Disinformation

I was surprised Brian Williams, News anchor for NBC News didn’t lean over and start caressing Obama’s face and purr, “It’s alright, Barack. You know how much we love you.”

How much does the American media love Obama?

About this much.

President Obama hates “new media” which is made up of Fox News, a small number of conservative newspapers and magazines, and especially the blogosphere because they have taken up the banner of professional journalism the legacy mainstream media have abandon and thrown into the trash.

He hates a free and responsible press that is constitutionally protected to analyze and disseminate the machinery of government to keep the public fully informed.

An informed electorate is a vital part of a strong and healthy democracy and this president cops an attitude with anybody that reports what he does.

We have a crisis of information in this country because we no longer have a free press!

They, the legacy mainstream media are willingly enslaved to a Liberal ideology they share with this president which is why they intentionally distort facts and shamelessly advocate for him.

The Politico reports that President Barack Obama dismissed a recent poll showing that a third of Americans don’t know he’s a Christian — and blamed an online campaign of misinformation by his conservative enemies for perpetuating the myth that he’s a Muslim.

Obama, speaking with NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams on Sunday afternoon: “The facts are the facts. We went through some of this during the campaign — there is a mechanism, a network of misinformation that in a new media era can get churned out there constantly,” said a visibly annoyed Obama.

A stunning 18 percent of Americans identify Obama as Muslim, according to a Pew poll released earlier this month.
Full story

What gave people the idea that Barak Obama was a Muslin?


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