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Thursday, August 19, 2010

Media Distraction: Ground Zero Mosque Beats a Sinking Economy

It’s better for Barack Obama if the media spent their time covering every aspect of the Ground Zero Mosque fiasco, both pro and con and every derivation in between, rather than using any ink to focus on the so-called “summer of recovery”

The same media that intentionally protected Obama and shielded him from the normal kind of scrutiny other presidential candidates have gotten in the past, is the same media that won’t call the recession a recession with a democrat in the White House.

But according to CNBC, “new U.S. claims for unemployment benefits unexpectedly climbed to a nine-month high last week, yet another setback to the frail economic recovery.”

Every time the jobless claims go up, the media always qualifies it as “unexpected” or “surprising”.

This is yet another spin to protect the community organizer from the Southside of Chicago.

CNBC also reports, “a 9.5 percent unemployment rate and weak housing market are hobbling the economy's recovery from its most brutal recession since the Great Depression.”

Millions of real people are suffering an economic holocaust under President Obama’s policies, but the media intentionally won’t show the video at 11:00.

But, when 8 women showed up at a Code Pink rally during the Bush years, the media was Johnny on the spot to cover it.

Expect mosque stories to continue and don’t pay attention to that little man behind the curtain.

Memeorandim The Hill

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