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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Hate Crimes Equals Thought Persecution: A Review

Lets review.

When was the last time a White person was a victim of a hate Crime?

I thought in America we’re all supposed to have equal justice under the law? But, that doesn’t seem to be the case anymore.

Only certain groups of people are set aside as potential Hate Crime victims: Blacks, Gays, Latinos and the latest inclusion Liberals are all too eager to highlight-Muslims, the chic religion of The Left.

But, I still can’t figure why we needed hate crime laws in the first place when there are other laws on the books to cover every incident associated with the hate crime.

Here in New York City, some poor cabbie got stabbed by a perpetrator for allegedly being a Muslim.

But, why isn’t attempted murder or assault with a deadly weapon sufficient to cover the incident? Who really cares what the alleged assailant had on his mind at the time of the crime?

Liberal Progressives are the ones who care about hate crimes because they are the inventors of it. Each violation makes a political statement and an assertion that certain victims of crimes deserve special consideration. It’s a case of affirmative action for the penal code. If you commit a crime against these people, then you must be automatically assumed without proof before a court of law that you must be a bigot, a homophobe or ijn the case of the cabbie--an Islamophobe.

Shouldn’t Daisy Kahn also be prosecuted for accusing opponents of the GZ Mosque of being Islamophobes? I think that kind of rhetoric could have contributed to pushing this nut case who stabbed the cabbie over the edge.

Will the D.A. file charges for that?

Or is it a case of selective justice and inequality under the law?


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