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Friday, August 20, 2010

Supermodel Stephanie Seymour Files to Get Estranged Hubby’s Investigator Under Oath

There’s nothing like a nasty divorce case to get your juices flowing on a slow Friday.

Just as long as it’s someone else’s problem, right?

The New York Post reports that that Supermodel Stephanie Seymour is turning the tables on her estranged hubby’s private eye — she wants to grill him under oath.

The Victoria’s Secret model

filed papers in Manhattan Supreme Court seeking a court order to depose an officer of 1st Class Investigations to find out just what kind of dirt they’ve dug up on her.

In the court filing, Seymour’s lawyer say investigators from the firm have been concocting "false allegations" and intentionally making her look bad in order to give her super-rich hubby Peter Brant a leg up in his bid for sole custody of their three children.
It’s Seymour’s "position that the nature and scope of said surveillance was improper, entailed fabricated allegations, [and] was calculated to harass and defame the petitioner," the filing says.

It also charges that the "improper conduct may have been suborned by Mr. Brant, and therefore speaks to his character and fitness."
Full story

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