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Thursday, August 26, 2010

tempest in a teapot....

deliver me...
ya know, I've had sex with millions of women and some screamed, some cried, some played dead, one chick held her breath, but I've never had one sing during sex...I was watching For Your Eyes Only last night and Sheena Easton sang the title song..damn, she's sexy and cute and I wonder if she sings, breaks out in song during the big number...
and...I was thinking about the origins of the Tea Party and I think I found them! I was channel surfing and came across Huckabee and actor Jon Voight discussing the Tea Party. Voight is the ultra conservative father of Angelina Jolie, who's kind of a free, I've enjoyed Jon in a few movies and I loved "Deliverance" about the canoe trip that went wrong on a river in the Tennessee hills. There had been some tension between father and daughter and after listening to Voight talk about Obama and the Tea Party, I can see why Angelina hates him...he looks like he’s been brainwashed by Baptists with his conspiracy theories about the end of capitalism that the leftwingers seek..look, the lefties like money as much as anyone else, so no one is seeking the end of money gathering, so long as it’s legal! But Jon keeps going on and on about the wonderful Tea Party and all the lies everyone is telling about them like most of them are ignorant bible thumping morons, that’s a lie?? but he defends them..I guess bcuz now he’s religious and FOXNEWS gives him some publicity....but it’s too bad this good actor went into a ditch just because he wants to hurt his daughter..I mean, it’s stupid. But back to the origins of the Tea Party..remember in the film them two mountain dudes who got frisky with Jon and Ned Beatty....the pig sqealing sex that happened on that river bank initiated by them Tennessee mountain boys...well, Voight bonded with them dudes and that was the origin of the Tea Party!!

cruisin' for bruisin'
 "I like big fat men like you, when they fall they make more noise and sometimes they never get up." Tuco
my Harley Stalker update:
hey you know that big fat ugly guy who followed me and my bike into the Carp foothills in July and was stalking me...from Santa Monica to Cravens Lane...well, I saw his truck parked at Harley Davidson...they're having a closing sale and I swung by and there he was.. not so big but short, fat and bald and stupid looking....I snapped some pics for the file but this investigation is now closed pending further info...I got enough evidence to proceed to the judge's chamber should I need to...however, I think my point has been made in the court of public opinion...
egged on....
eggs, it’s what’s for dinner...I ate eggs yesterday and if I die it’s becuz I ate them eggs because I ate them....
but really you gotta know how to cook ‘em..over easy..just get the butter and olive oil hot in the pan then crack three eggs without breaking the yolks...and the steelhead salmonella, they can’t swim upstream if the yolk is intact, so the chances are less it’ll kill you. Then let the eggs cook and flip them over with one flick of the wrist to the pan and cook the other side..yolks still intact, then season to taste and mmmmm..thems is gooood eggs!
sailing in my yacht, what a lot I’ve got
I saw this ad on the front page of the News-Press about vacations for poor rich folks..called Seabourn Value Fares starting at just $2499..from "the Yachts of Seabourn"....hey baby, let’s cruise!!

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