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Friday, August 20, 2010

What happened to the island of Poth?

One day on the island of Poth, a stranger washed up ashore. He said he came from an island named Toll, but he left it for a better life.

“Everybody says that Poth is the land of opportunity,” the stranger said, “I want some for myself and there are plenty of others like me that want to come here.”

The Pothians in government said, “Sure come one come all.”

So they came.

First one, then two, then six and more.

But, the wisest and oldest citizen of Poth said this warning, “Let then come, sure. But, these new people have to learn the ways of being Pothian. They have to learn our language, our beliefs, and our customs. These are the very things that has made Poth what she is. This is what has made us exceptional. If we lose that, then Poth dies from within. Our destruction comes without war!”

But younger Pothians in government called the old man foolish and his thinking out-dated, and even bigoted.

So the Tollites continued to come to Poth.

They kept their language and their customs and told Pothians that their ways were offensive to them.

“We thought Pothians were not bigoted. That’s has always been your reputation. Has this been a lie all along?”

And the Pothians not wanting to be labeled bigots gave in.

In time Poth changed.

It became a place of strife and entitlement because other groups came with their own language, customs, demands and no one wanted to live as Pothian.

And as time went by no one remembered the old ways of Poth that made her the envy of the world.

Then a man was fishing in the ocean and saw a stranger bobbing in the water. He pulled him into his boat.

“Thank you so much!” the stranger said, “I thought I would drown for sure.”

“Where are you from?” asked the fisherman.

“I an from Poth and I seek a better life. Take me to your island.”

Then man picked up the stranger from Poth and threw him back into the water.

Cross ref


Atlas Shrugs

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