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Saturday, August 21, 2010

'Ground Zero' Imam’s Nose is Growing: Says He Wants to Americanize Islam = Bullshit

Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf is a fraud!

His aim is to slowly integrate the acceptance of Sharia Law within the United States and destroy American culture from within.

Make no mistake that is the goal of the Muslim community and President Obama. They want to do here what they’ve already accomplished in Europe.

The New York Post reports that the imam behind the plan to build a mosque near Ground Zero surfaced yesterday far from the controversy -- in Bahrain, where he's on a taxpayer-funded trip to the Middle East to spread good will.

Appearing in public for the first time in weeks,
Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, speaking at a mosque near Bahrain's capital of Manama, said he wants to "Americanize" Islam -- but dodged questions about the uproar over his planned mosque and community center.

Rauf spoke against fanaticism, saying, "This issue of extremism is something that has been a national-security issue -- not only for the United States but also for many countries and nations in the Muslim world."

"This is why this particular trip has a great importance because all countries in the Muslim world -- as well as the Western world -- are facing this . . . major security challenge," Rauf told Associated Press Television News in a brief interview.

The cleric also said he was working on a way to "Americanize Islam," but didn't offer any details.
Rauf noted that many different interpretations of the faith have emerged over the last 1,400 years.

"The same principles and rituals were everywhere, but what happened in different regions was there were different interpretations," he said.

"So we recognize that our heritage allows for re-expressing the internal principles of our religion in different cultural times and places."

Some of the imam's American critics said they fear he is using the State Department-sponsored trip to raise money and rally support in the Muslim world for the mosque.

"I think there is no place for this," said the Rev. Franklin Graham, who is the son of evangelist
Billy Graham and opposes the Ground Zero mosque.

"Can you imagine if the
State Department paid to send me on a trip anywhere? The separation of church and state -- the critics would have been howling."
Full story

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