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Monday, November 23, 2009

Beware of Dems Pulling Race Card in Battle to Pass ObamaCare

As we get down to the nifty gritty stage of the debate over ObamaCare on the Senate floor, I got a feeling in my bones that the Dems will not hesitate to pull out the Race Card to deflect attention away from their own disagreements between the Liberal (aka Progressives), Moderate, and Conservative (aka Blue Dogs) wings of the Democrat Party.

Be prepared!

Somebody either on the Senate floor or most likely outside it will accuse the Republicans of preventing landmark legislation because they don’t care about Black people, or people of color, or poor people in general.

When this happens, and I think it’s very likely, you’ll know that Harry Reid has reached the end of his rope and the Race card button gets pushed. And even if ObamaCare goes down in flames, the Dems will need a scapegoat—The Republicans for its failure.

Of course it won’t matter a damn to Harry Reid or Nancy Pelosi that if ObamaCare were to get squashed on the Senate floor, it would really be as a result of the American people making their voices known to stop a piece of legislation they do not want.

Why pull out the Race Card?

As I’ve argued before on prior posts, this is what the Democrats do to keep the African American community (95% support rate and higher) mentally enslaved into thinking that the Democrat Party is their friend and protector.

It’s coming!

From Last Tradition

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