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Wednesday, November 11, 2009

the one that got away...

ocean commotion...what's next? outlaw surfing??

if an environmentalist tells me I can't fish in the ocean anymore, my first reaction would be to hit him in the face, knock him down, and then pummel him like a cage fighter..he'd run away screaming for his mommy.."mommy, I got a bloody nose!"...well, the fight to preserve fishing rights for people who like to fish is a very emotional one. On the one hand you got the fisherpeople; on the other hand you got the environmentalists. The meetings between the two groups have gotten heated and a few fights have broken out and here's an example from the web: Tempers flared. The panel was discussing proposed fishing closures Tuesday morning when kayak fishing enthusiast Charles Volkens, 44, stood up and angrily shouted at the panelists: "You have not listened to us throughout this whole process!"When an audience member asked him to quiet down, Volkens screamed, "Come outside and tell me to shut up!"At that point, the man charged at Volkens and pushed him. Both men were quickly ushered out of the Los Angeles International Airport-area hotel ballroom by security officers.Later, Volkens said he was frustrated that the panelists were even considering the idea of banning fishing in a hot spot like Point Dume, which he described as "the last place left in the area where we can fish for white sea bass."
Environmentalism was a once proud tradition. Let's manage our resources wisely, prevent pollution, and understand the balance of nature. Lately, environmentalism has been hijacked by zealots and politicians like Al Gore. Taking environmental advice from idiot Al Gore is like taking publishing advice from Wendy Mickaw!!
The latest fishing restrictions in California are another example of ecofacism...I mean, a blue ribbon panel is gonna tell me I can't fish off Santa Claus Lane beach on Saturday mornings?? They come up with designated marine life protection areas based on groups of over-educated dog walkers like Heal the Bay in Santa Monica, and politicians who say the dumbest things: A group led by Laguna Beach City Councilwoman Verna Rollinger supported a proposal to ban fishing along six miles of her city's coastline. "I want fish in the ocean, and on my dinner plate," she said. "To do that, we have to restore the ocean." see the picture of Heal the Bay members Marcy and Sandy embracing after the vote? these two pampered pieces of ass are happy you can't enjoy recreational fishing anymore!!
Restore the ocean?? The ocean is in a constant state of and death..birth and decay... carbon and nitrogen..stopping fishing won't do ANYTHING to restore the ocean! Besides, Fish and Game says it doesn't have the resources to regulate or arrest people for fishing. And what scientific method actually counts fish populations?? How does one go about taking a fish census??
the logic is: let's stop fishing off Santa Cruz island to restore the rock cod population! Silly!!! reacreational fishing should not be restricted by a bunch of boobs who want to micromanage resources...ladies and gentlemen, this is a call to rods! Fuck the regulations and fish at will!!

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