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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

what's goin' on

a special holiday thank-you to all the nonprofits who take money and don't pay taxes!! sham

District Elections

are a terrible idea! Travis and Lanny (Eddie Munster lookalike!!) have been crying about elections because they are losers...every time their slate loses they editorialize about district elections as the cure..look fool, district elections won't make a loser win..PERIOD!
I was watchdogging the city council meeting and Roger took the rug off! Hey look better without it..rugged & outdoorsy! a man's man! I find the city clerk Cynthia quite lovely.
De La Guerra that Travis is gone, the city comes back with a De La Guerra Plaza infrastructure redo. The first time, Travis had a fit and cried everyday in the editorials, claiming that it was a plot by the city to punish the News-Press..ha ha...but anything the city can do to punish the News-Press, they should do it!
and one speaker said he got an upset tummy and his breakfast was ruined when he read about the resurrected plaza project in the News-Press recently..ohh, poor baby!!

homeless.. and then the city wants to spend $75000 on an ad campaign to tell me not to give a quarter to the homeless! they are trying to educate me!! WTF is that all's about keeping poor people away from tourists! Look, if some destitute persons ask me for some change, I'll give it..often it's just a little kindness that they might need instead of all these officials harassing them..I don't care what they do with the change, I'm not going to analyse them, I'm just giving them a quarter. If they buy a beer, so what..that's not illegal and since they don't drive, they won't kill someone like a city council person/candidate might do...the homeless are the result of an imperfect society..they were called hobos, bums, transients, tramps.. but whatever you call them, they will always be here..look in the mirror and reflect and you'll'll know

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