from Nipper and (Mick!!)
It also a good time to remember and appreciate the remarkable community of Santa Barbara, (that the News-PRess actually hates!!) This community is filled with loving, giving (rich) individuals and organizations (shady nonprofits) that make a difference in so many (CEO) lives. It is a community with a history of volunteerism and philanthropy (old money that I try very hard to stay close to). We are all blessed (thank you Jesus) to be here and to be the beneficiaries of such generosity(Wendy bought me a new Beamer!!). On Thanksgiving Santa Barbara looks out for those who are alone or in need. The Salvation Army along with other (parasitic) non-profits produce generous Thanksgiving meals for the poor (while raking in cash and not paying taxes!!). To volunteer and serve food at one of these meals is a wonderful reminder of how truly fortunate we are (I hope someone will tell me what it's like being with poor people).
Even for the well to do (like me), where sometimes family is afar (Wendy is sailing with Michael again!) and Thanksgiving is a lonely day, people of Santa Barbara reach out and invite them to share at their family's table (Rob Lowe and I will be drunk on Tequila!)Thanksgiving also celebrates the harvest season and nowhere is the bounty of Santa Barbara harvest more apparent than from our local farmers. The ripeness of our region's produce is poetry in the kitchen (as long as someone else is doing the cooking) and a strong connection with mother Nature. (Nipper, Nature Boy) Our local chefs, waitstaff and restaurant owners (who pamper Wendy and me) make Santa Barbara's locally grown food especially delicious. To those dedicated, talented people (and servants), thank you.
To you, our (dwindling) members and readers of these pages, thank you for your continued interest and participation. I wish you a very happy and joyful Thanksgiving.
(me too! and now I gotta get ready for the country club party!!)
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