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Monday, November 16, 2009

David Brooks is the Real Joke

The New York Times’ token Conservative, David Brooks, takes a shot at Sarah Palin and refers to her as “a joke”. But, please understand, it’s the pain talking because Brooks can’t intellectually admit to himself that he along with other moderate Republicans were hoodwinked by Barack Obama into thinking that he was –The One.

Think of it as Brook’s defense mechanism. Sarah Palin has to be a joke in his mind, because he made a bad choice for president. So, the worse Obama does as commander-in-chief, the bigger a joke Palin needs to be.

Brooks, the same Washington-nized intellectual Conservative that once proclaimed the era of Reagan was dead, tells you all you need to know about the value of his opinion to the Republican Party, pretty worthless.

Brooks and his ilk currently control the GOP and that reality should alert all Conservatives to one thing; its time to take over this party once and for all and let these moderates go their own way like Ronald Reagan once said.

So if you’re a fan of Sarah Palin, its time to step up, be counted, and speak out! David Brooks, who prefers a softer, more fuzzy and moderate Republican party, needs to be left on the ash heap of history of the so-called thinkers in the Republican party who fell for a “Chicago pretender’s” candidacy because, well, they’re smarter than anybody else.

How is that working out for you, David?

From The Last Tradition

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