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Tuesday, August 3, 2010


see this bee in the fennel..this bee has more value and dignity than Keith Richman ever did...
first I find out Rupert Murdoch's houseboy Glenn Beck is going blind, then pastor phony Rick Warren of Saddleback church temporarily blinded himself while "gardening", ie jerking off, now I hear the conservative ex-assemblyman from California (R-Northridge) Keith Richman died...Gov Arnold praised Richman as a great "public servant" because Arnold is a dumbass and you should have voted for Phil Angelides but you didn't and now look at us!!....Richman was the main mouthpiece trying to steal pensions from state, city and county workers while defending Bush's tax cuts for the wealthy...and he lied through his teeth do it...and now he's dead! hey... what a great summer I'm having so far!! :) I have no tears for people who mess with the livihood of working class citizens while these same people enrich corporations and try to control the media politics.... and pension reform is pure politics
In spring of 2005, Governor Schwarzenegger announced he was withdrawing his half-baked pension "reform" ballot initiative from circulation, due to the "misperception" that it separated widows of fallen firefighters and police from their spouse's death benefits. (It wasn't a misperception; it was part of the badly written, poorly-executed ballot initiative.) But the battle was far from over, even following his special election losses in November 2005. Destroying public pension funds is a top priority of ultra-conservative forces nationally. The issue is not going to go away.
from an interview with Richman:
Signal: Who's the biggie today?
Richman: Because the Democrats control the Legislature, it's the public employee unions and the trial attorneys. That's who is calling the shots and directing what goes on in Sacramento.
Signal: We've heard a little bit out of some of the public employee unions in the current election cycle.
Richman: We've heard a lot, and that's because they don't want any changes to the status quo, and that's really what this election is about.When Gov. Schwarzenegger talks about bringing the government back to the people, restoring our representative democracy and breaking the grasp of the special-interest groups in Sacramento, that's really what it's about. The independent redistricting measure is for good government. That's going to result in more competitive seats in the state of California —
Signal: You're talking about Proposition 77.
Richman: Proposition 77 for independent redistricting. That's going to bring representatives to Sacramento who are more inclined to solve problems, rather than continue the partisan gridlock and dysfunction that exists in Sacramento.
the teachers say:
So what gives? Corporations want to roll back public sector pensions for two reasons. First, as they reduce or eliminate their own private defined benefit plans to boost their profits at the expense of their workers, their greed is more readily revealed by comparison with ongoing decent public pensions. Portraying public pensions as "overly generous," or as special perks for public employees, helps to reduce the risk of a poor corporate public image on the issue. Second, less visibly, the anti-defined benefit push represents a corporate counterattack on efforts by public pension fund trustees to demand accountability from corporations in which the pensions invest.
As former state treasurer Phil Angelides noted, "Public pension funds have taken a leading role in restoring honesty, integrity, and openness to our nation’s financial markets after corporate scandals shook the very foundations of our financial institutions, damaged our economy, and harmed millions of Americans."
firefighters say:
The pension commission appointed by Gov. Schwarzenegger last year has come up with reasonable, balanced, bipartisan recommendations to insure that retirement benefits for public employees are adequately funded in the future," said CPF President Lou Paulson. "But instead of giving the governor and the legislature time to act on these recommendations, unreasonable partisan ideologues like Keith Richman would rather punish firefighters and other public employees than seek fair solutions."
Richman's backers in his latest assault on retirement security include Orange County's notorious supervisor John Moorlach and anti-tax zealots like Jon Coupal, Lew Uhler and Kris Hunt. They are advisors to Richman's bogus Foundation for Fiscal Responsibility, which is funding this irresponsible initiative campaign.
"Polls continue to show that Californians do not want to take away hard-earned pension and health care benefits from firefighters, nurses, police and other public employees," Paulson said. "That's why CPF, along with the Californians for Health Care and Retirement Security (CHCRS) coalition, will continue to work hard to defeat Mr. Richman again. And if Richman tries to extend his anti-worker campaign beyond November, as he has promised, we'll be ready to beat him again." no worries, God took care of him!!
this brings me to Netroots which I thought was a big jammin' reggae concert somewhere, but it's's a bloggers rights movement that will try to keep the media monopolies from killing the internet with censorship and regulations...kindalike a bloggers union!
billionaires like Rupert Murdcoch and Wendy McCuckoo want one thing...CONTROL over what they want you to see, hear, read..and paywalls...they think this brings them power and money, but they are mistaken only they don't know it because they have too many yes people around them..and Wendy lies like a donkey, we all know that....that's what corporate media does...lies..and they are scared to death of an empowered work force...and they should be... public service, nor servitude!!

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