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Saturday, August 13, 2011

Christina Perri

Christina Perri is a women with great talent,great vocals and a solid emotional base.She smart taught herself to play guitar,play piano ,songwriter,and well as singer which popular because great song which creator "Jar of Hearts".“Jar of Hearts” aired on Fox’s So You Think You Can Dance, The song struck a chord with viewers. Suddenly a hot property, Perri signed a record deal with Atlantic Records and is in the studio finishing up her debut album.Atlantic Records continue to promote "Jar of Hearts" on the radio.Perri's debut album is titled love strong and was released on May 10, 2011. Chistina Perri well has beautiful hair Style,she has long Hair Style With Combinated Black and White Color, she proper be a models because beutiful,glomour,and this post you can see picture of Christina Perri.let's see and enjoy Christina Perri Pictures ...

Christina Perri Poster

Christina Perri Play Guitar

Christina Perri Looks so Beautiful

Christina Perri Wear Sunglasses

Christina Perri Laugh

Christina Perri Tattoo

Christina Perri With Combinated Hair Color

Christina Perri Looks so Sexy

Christina Perri - Jar of Hearts

Victoria's Secret model Candice Swanepoel struggles to contain her ample bikini assets

Daily Mail

Victoria's Secret Model Candice Swanepoel certainly cannot be accused of being shy about flaunting her body.

The curvy blonde adjusted her ample assets as they poured out of a neon green bikini top, yesterday on a beach in St Barts, the South of France, but struggled to contain them.

The top was paired with multi-coloured bikini bottoms as the 22-year-old South African beauty showed off her incredible figure in the tiny two piece.

Candice is in France shooting a new campaign for the lingerie giant, which will feature her in a series of different swimsuits.

She pulled off the obligatory model poses and appeared to be having fun with the shoot - messing about in the water and pretending to throw some seaweed for one humorous shot.

Candice looked tanned and toned in the swimwear, and appeared to have put the controversy she caused over her once-shockingly slim frame behind her.

More pics here

U.S. downgrade Bikini Saturday 8-13-11

In honor of the United States getting their credit downgraded for the 1st time in history thanks to the failed leadership of Barack Obama, these gals are for you to ease the embarrassment.

Sing it Bruce! Tell'em what's happening to America since Obama became president

Michele Bachmann wins Ames Straw Poll

The Ames Straw poll is a test of a candidate’s organizational skills to get voters to the polls.

As such, it’s a nice feather in the cap for Bachmann as she continues to make her mark as a heavy hitter in the field of GOP candidates.

The Huffington Post

Republican presidential candidate Michele Bachmann emerged the winner in the widely-anticipated Ames Straw Poll in Iowa on Saturday.

The conservative congresswoman came out on top in the event with 4,823 votes. U.S. Rep. Ron Paul came in second place. Here's a breakdown of the results:

U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.): 4,823 votes

U.S. Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas): 4,671 votes

Former Minnesota governor Tim Pawlenty: 2,293 votes

Former U.S. Senator Rick Santorum (R-Pa.): 1,657 votes

Former Godfather's Pizza CEO Herman Cain: 1,456 votes

Texas Governor Rick Perry: 718 votes

Former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney: 567 votes

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich: 385 votes

Former Utah governor Jon Huntsman: 69 votes

U.S. Rep Thad McCotter (R-Mich.): 35 votes

Romney, Gingrich and Huntsman didn't not actively campaign for support in the straw poll despite their names appearing on the ballot.

Perry, who announced his candidacy for president on Saturday, did not aggressively look to lock up votes in the event. His name did not appear on the ballot; however, write-in votes were allowed in the straw poll.

More here


Video Spotlight-Laura Black, powerful voice great talent

I recently stumbled on this video of singer Laura Black.

This girl has a powerful soulful voice and although the sound quality of the video is poor, her talent shines through.

To pick her music check Laura’s MySpace page here

BUMPED: Obama’s worst nightmare comes true! Rick Perry Enters G.O.P. Race for President

This is the big one!

Rick Perry entering the race for the GOP nomination makes an already formidable field of candidates that much stronger.

Whoever emerges the eventual winner will be the person to return the country back to sanity and away from the radical Liberal/Progressive agenda that has the country on the verge of bankruptcy.

I equate this to when a already good baseball gets that last piece of the puzzle and it improves the rest of the lineup overnight.

Romney, Backmann, Cain and the others all have to step up their games and that’s a very good thing.

New York Times

Rick Perry of Texas announced Saturday that he was running for president, declaring it was “time to get America working again” as he sought to offer the Republican Party a well-rounded candidate who appeals to fiscal conservatives and can also rally the evangelical base.

As many of his fellow candidates flooded Iowa over the weekend to woo voters at the Ames Straw Poll, Mr. Perry headed here to announce that he was seeking the nomination at the
RedState Gathering, an annual convention of conservative bloggers.

“I came to South Carolina because I will not sit back and accept the path that America is on, because a great country requires a better direction, because a renewed nation needs a new president,” he said.

“With the support of my family and unwavering belief in the goodness of America, I declare to you today as a candidate for president of the United States.”

And with that, Mr. Perry, 61, whose spectral presence has lingered over the Republican primary contest — he was even the topic of a question at Thursday night’s Republican debate in Iowa — officially became a candidate for the Republican nomination.

Mr. Perry’s entrance into an already crowded field is expected to reconfigure the dynamics of the race, offering Republicans a fiscal and social conservative who not only appeals to the party’s base but can also challenge Mitt Romney, who is leading in many polls, on jobs and the economy.

More here

I love Bachmann, Cain and Santorum. Perry though jumps to the top of my list. But like Sarah Palin said, “ABO Anybody but Obama!”


Panic at White House: Top Obama mouthpiece attacks Rick Perry before he announced running

There’s an old deodorant commercial that said, “Never let see you sweat!”

That’s exactly what the White House has done by dispatching David “I love Saul Alinsky” Axelrod to attack Texas Gov Rick Perry a day before he even announces. Can you see the beads of sweat on Obama’s face?

The smart move would have been not to react at all and treat Perry’s announcement as just another guy running for president. But, as is the case with the Obama presidency, it’s been Amateur Hour at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue since January 20, 2008.


US President
Barack Obama's top reelection strategist charged Friday that Republican White House hopeful and Texas Governor Rick Perry had "very little to do" with his state's economic success.

"There's a specific reason that
Texas has done so well, and that's because the oil industry has done so well in the last few years, and the military has grown because of the challenges that we have had overseas," said David Axelrod.

"And so he's been the beneficiary of things that he had very little to do with," Axelrod told ABC television.

The preemptive strike came one day before
Perry, who succeeded George W. Bush in the Texas governor's mansion in 2000, was to formally launch his bid for the Republican nomination to take on Obama in the November 2012 elections.

Perry, campaigning for months in all but name, has been touting his home state's growth and jobs creation over the past decade at a time when the sour national economy and its 9.1 percent unemployment rate are voters' top worry.

"I am a pro-business governor. I will be a pro-business president,"
Perry told Time magazine in an interview released Thursday, highlighting his opposition to taxes and regulation.

More here


Sismo en Colombia Hoy 13 Agosto 2011

Hoy sabado 13 de agosto se registro un temblor de magnitude 4.6 en la escala de Richter, ocurrio a las 03:30:57 PM
Location 5.620°N, 77.312°W

Depth 62.6 km (38.9 miles)


Distances 76 km (47 miles) W (263°) from Quibdo, Colombia

194 km (120 miles) N (351°) from Buenaventura, Colombia

195 km (121 miles) WNW (299°) from Pereira, Colombia

374 km (232 miles) WNW (287°) from SANTAFE DE BOGOTA, Colombia

Location Uncertainty horizontal +/- 17.3 km (10.7 miles); depth +/- 3.7 km (2.3 miles)

Muerte de Jesus del Pozo : Diseñador

El destacado diseñador de moda Jesús sel Pozo falleció en Madrid, España, a la edad de 65 años.

Del Pozo abrió su primera tienda de ropa para hombre en 1974, pero amplió su talento al público femenino hasta 1980.

A través de la 'Fundación Jesús del Pozo', buscaba transmitir su experiencia y activar el entusiasmo en las nuevas generaciones de diseñadores y amantes de la moda en su país natal.

Era conocido como 'El Arquitecto del volumen', ya que sus creaciones se aproximaban al mundo escultórico.

En 1999 impulsó la creación de la Asociación de Creadores de Moda (Acme), de la que fue presidente hasta el año 2000, aunque después fungió como secretario, hasta que la muerte lo sorprendió esta tarde en la capital española.


Rude Fag CNN reporter gets elbowed by 2 sexy blonde Bachmann staffers

If CNN is trying to spin this report as an embarrassing moment for the Bachmann campaign, then I feel it’s only fair to spin it another way.

Report-A rude reporter of questionable sexual orientation tried to bogart his way in front on Rep Michele Bachmann (R-Mn) who is seeking the GOP nomination for president.

Two extremely attractive blonde female staffers cleared a path for Bachmann and sent Mr. Rude CNN reporter almost flying into a pile of discarded Pork Chops on a stick.

The reporter said he didn’t need to go to the hospital.

If you wanna read the CNN version click here


Tennessee Music teacher Daniel Torroll caught having sex with doll outside school

“Sorry, I have ADD?”

This walking freak-show doesn’t belong near kids. Can you believe this guy?

Police in Spring Hill arrested a local music teacher Thursday morning after he was caught engaging in a sex act with a doll outside a local elementary school.

Officers were called to Allendale Elementary School on Prescott Way in Spring Hill amid reports of a white male with a duffle bag under a bridge on school property. The bridge provides access to the school from the main road.

Spring Hill police told Nashville's News 2 the responding officer witnessed the man, identified as 56-year-old Daniel Torroll, performing sex acts on a child-like doll police later discovered he'd cut holes into.

The officer reported the man was naked and in a location where he could be seen by people driving up to the school.

"I happened to be there I didn't know it was school property. I wouldn't be there if I knew it was school property," Torroll told Nashville's News 2.

According to Torroll, he suffers from an attention deficit disorder which he says affects his inability to resist certain sexual impulses, though none of which involve children.

"[Police] came here and looked [through my home]. There was nothing here. There was no child porn. I have two kids myself," he said.

More here


Nude pictures emerge of Lee Grace Dougherty Stripper turned bank robber notorious Dougherty gang

29-year-old Lee Grace Dougherty -- a sometime professional exotic dancer -- was approached by some friends who host poker games ... who asked if she would waitress at their events and pose nude for their promotional materials. Lee obliged ... and over the past 6 weeks, she posed for a series of VERY revealing pictures which give the term "photo spread" a whole new meaning.

One person connected to the photo shoots tells us Lee posed for some of the photos as recently as July 29, less than a week before the bank robbery. We're told Dougherty was not paid for the "modeling" work.

More pics here

Video Alejandra Pradon y Su Relacion con Menem

Alejandra Pradón fue invitada a Un Mundo Perfecto y entrego detalles íntimos de su relación con el ex presidente Carlos Menem, y confesó que hasta hace tres semanas estuvo saliendo con alguien del Gobierno.

Dijo primero que con Menem tuvo lo que se puede definir como un “noviazgo”, y dio detalles de cómo era la vivienda del ex mandatario. “La habitación tenía una biblioteca gigante, y al lado el jacuzzi”, relató. Además, contó cómo Lucho Avilés le decía al ex presidente “cuidame a la nena”.

Pradón admitió despues que salió hasta hace muy poco con un funcionario muy importante del gobierno nacional, aunque no quiso dar su nombre.


Lee Grace Dougherty

Lee Grace Dougherty is one-third of a trio of siblings on a psychotic cross-country death wish robbery spree. Lee Gracie (Gracie), 29, and brothers Ryan Dougherty, 21, and Dylan Dougherty Stanley, 26, robbed a bank in Georgia then got in a shootout with cops in Florida. Recent reports suggest they could be in Colorado. Even their mom has pleaded with them to surrender. But on a positive note, Gracie is apparently a former stripper and has a whack of saucy pix on flickr: DOUGHERTY SIBLINGS IN COLORADO?

lee grace dougherty

lee grace dougherty

lee grace dougherty

lee grace dougherty

lee grace dougherty

lee grace dougherty

lee grace dougherty

lee grace dougherty

lee grace dougherty

lee grace dougherty

lee grace dougherty

lee grace dougherty

lee grace dougherty

lee grace dougherty

photos lee grace dougherty
lee grace dougherty

lee grace dougherty

photos lee grace dougherty

lee grace dougherty
photos lee grace dougherty

Lee Grace Dougherty photos
Lee Grace Dougherty sexy photos
Lee Grace Dougherty sexy photos