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Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Desolation Row....

They're selling postcards of the hanging...
They're painting the passports brown
The beauty parlor is filled with sailors
The circus is in town
listen to Dale's big announcement! or as Travis calls him, "Dal" Francisco

without even finishing his first term as councilmember, Dale Francisco has jumped into the mayor's race.. He says everyone he talks to worries the city is beyond repair..He says he'll be the one to save Santa Barbara!
this guy is owned by the News-Press...the sleaziest operation in town...and he marches to their orders...saying he won't take money from unions or developers means's hocus pocus political slop! watch all the free promotion he'll get from Wendy! Let's see where Dale gets his money to finance the campaign...The law lets Joe Candidate, who campaigns against development, receive money from development interests after it has been sent through one or more PACs, and no one is the wiser.PAC-to-PAC transfers are a way for powerful special interests, in particular, to cover their tracks, even as they seek to influence an election and the candidate they want to win. If this sounds like a good way to fund an election, look at what GOP candidate Kay Ivey had to say. She likened the money transfers to "slipping hundred-dollar bills under the table."
First, Dale appears on Travis' radio show where Travis encourages him to run for mayor, then in his rush to get in the race, he holds a news conference under false pretenses. He was supposed to talk about the budget, instead he announces he's running for mayor! Bait and switch...a ruse! a lie! just like the News-Press!!
Then he pledges not to accept campaign money from 'anyone whose livelihood depends on decisions made by the City Council'...this was a political stunt but makes for some really good political theater ...first of all, the union knows you are anti-labor anti-working class, so they wouldn't give you a dime anyway..second, if you don't take money from developers, then you shouldn't take money from these: all the businesses in town; the non-profits that ask the city council for tax money; the renters, the home buyers; and everyone else who lives in Santa Barbara who benefits from city services and funds! and if you get a paycheck for being on the council, the city workers paid you with their taxes!
Do they count? Who does that leave to finance your campaign?.. the idle, rich conservatives!!??
HO HO HO..what a freakin jackass you are.. you're on a short've been duped by Travis!
You're his puppet! You used all his anti- union editorial blather, which is full of lies, and based your announcement for a mayoral run on that??? It's a rookie mistake and now if you take money from ANYONE in Santa Barbara, you will contradict your own little platform policy!
oh boy, this race should be good...and I hope the voters won't let these rightwing political pests off too easy....make no mistake, Francisco is for the wealthy only and their interests...his party has driven America into the ditch for the last eight years..and now they blame city unions?? We need creative people on the council, not a News-Press pet!!
Remember the damage done by ex-supervisor Brooks Firestone to the county, Francisco could do likewise to the city...
and at least one drunk is out of politics! Gil Armijo, Joe Centeno's assistant, resigned and blamed everyone except himself for his predicament!
poor poor pitiful Gil.....

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