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Thursday, July 23, 2009

Obama HealthCare Plan: Same Soup in a Different Bowl

Doctor O made the right diagnosis last night of what's ailing America's health- care system, but he wrote the wrong prescription.

Reminding us all why he won the presidency, Obama deftly channeled American frustration with a medical system that is bankrupting honest taxpayers, struggling families and valuable companies.

Obama described how the disastrous deficits that plague American medicine will surely spread even further to infect every other quarter of the economy.

He even understood that the problem with America's medical system is that it celebrates inefficiency, punishes innovation and forbids competition.

But this is where the president morphed into a big government snake oil salesman.

Like Democratic leaders in Congress, his solution is to raise taxes to create a massive new entitlement program run that will one day dwarf all the other monstrous entitlement programs the federal government has already mismanaged into the ground.

It's as if he willfully ignores that the single biggest reason American health care is such a complete disaster is that the federal government is already far and away the biggest player in the field of medicine.

Through Medicare and Medicaid, the feds set medical prices and interfere with every aspect of American medicine.

And don't forget that these two behemoth entitlement programs sit now on the brink of insolvency because of rank mismanagement by government bureaucrats.

So Obama wants to reward this complete failure and criminal recklessness with even more of your money and an even bigger and more unmanageable federal program?

A program that, according to the government's own auditors, won't do any more to lower costs than Medicare and Medicaid already do?

This is not the change Obama promised. It's the same tired, old solution we've always heard from big government liberals.

As Obama said last night, "If we don't change, we can't expect a different result."

Charles Hurt, NY Post, 7/23/09

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