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Sunday, July 19, 2009

Why I Love Season 1 Of '24' (Part 4)

8:00 am -9:00 am
Episode 9

Virgil Williams
Director: Stephen Hopkins

Episode Description:
Although he prevents Palmer's assassination, Jack is taken into custody where his story of his kidnapped wife and daughter is not believed. Knowing his family will only be kept alive if he is free to help Gaines, Jack knows he must escape. Back at Gaines' compound, Teri and Kimberly struggle to stay alive, while at CTU the traitor reveals that the whole unit has been wired to Gaines can watch their every move.
(Episode description source: '24' season 1 DVD special edition)

Episode Quote:
"I used to be in the military. Did field work for the CIA. I've been to some horrible places, seen some horrible things...I don't think I've ever been this scared in my whole life."

-Jack Bauer (to Lauren, the waitress)

Reasons Why I Love Season 1, Episode 9:

Jack Pleads His Case: After being caught by the Secret Service, Jack tries to explain to Frank Simes that his family has been kidnapped and he's being forced to do what he did. Of course, he is not believed. I enjoyed these scenes because this is when Kiefer Sutherland is at his best; a desperate man trying to get people to listen to him. You can feel Jack's frustration in these scenes. If you notice, the man playing Frank Simes is the same guy who was the lead Secret Service agent in Season 7 during the White House siege by Juma.

Great Direction: Stephen Hopkins only directed '24' during the first season. I wished he would have stayed with the show; his direction was excellent. I noticed in this episode a nice transition at one point showing Jack handcuffed at the power plant where he was arrested, then a quick shot showing Jamey's handcuffed at CTU. Always interesting direction by Stephen Hopkins. It's too bad he didn't stay with the show.

Jack Escapes The Secret Service (twice!): You have got to be good to escape the Secret Service not only once but twice. Only Jack Bauer could do that! Nicely shot sequence showing Jack escaping from the Secret Service at the power plant, and then once again at the construction trailer. Man, Jack is good!

Lauren The Waitress: What can you say about Lauren? This is the main reason I loved this episode and what makes '24' such a great show. '24' manages to cast some of the best one episode characters. I loved this character from the start. The actress' name who played Lauren is Kathleen Wilhoite. She was so realistic with that character; she really seemed like a waitress who got caught up in being held "hostage" by Jack. I especially loved the way she looked at Jack while he was talking on the phone with Nina. She just looked at him like he was a crazy man rambling on about assassinations, Secret Service, etc.

Another great scene was when Lauren tries to leave and Jack pulls a gun on her and gives the "I've killed two people since midnight..." speech. Classic Jack Bauer. One thing I never understood was why she turned Jack in. I was really surprised that when she went to get the car that was left for Jack, she went to the Secret Service and told him where he was. But I guess that is what makes 24, 24. They do the unexpected. Just a wonderful job by the actress and a great one episode character.

Teri Sacrifices Herself: Sensing immediately that when Eli wants Kim to go into the other room he wants to rape her, she volunteers to take her daughters place in order to spare Kim from that horrible experience. That was such a powerful scene to me because of how it shows the lengths a parent will go to in order to protect their child. I also liked how Teri manages to get his phone while she's in the room with him. Very smart move by Teri.

Jack's Tired: This is the first time we see the affects of lack of sleep has on Jack. As he's talking to Lauren, Jack drifts off to sleepy land if only for a very brief time. Of course, Lauren sees this as an opportunity to escape, but Jack wakes before she can completely get up from her seat. I liked the realism of this scene showing Jack actually tired and getting in a brief power nap.

Jamey Commits Suicide: This was a shocker at the very end of the episode. It didn't make sense to me at the time as to why she would do this. It didn't seem like something the character would do Now that I've seen the complete season, it makes sense; Jamey didn't commit suicide, she was murdered by Nina. At the time, this was a good '24' surprise ending scene for an episode. Then to complicate matters as 24 likes to do, as Tony and Nina are tending to an unconscious Jamey...Gaines calls.

Final Thoughts: Another one of 24's best episodes. Especially, the sequence with Jack and Lauren. That is what made this episode one of the best of season 1. We saw for the first time Jack coming in contact with a civilian when he was in a jam and their interaction was so well-written and had a genuine realism to it.

-By 24FanForever

Next Installment: 10:00 am - 11:00 pm

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